Codesys#Let’s use POU Visu Generator

This year’s 2024 Codesys has many interesting updates, not least Virtual Control, and did you know that the Codesys POU Visu Generator has been added to display the Codesys LD2 and SFC circuits in WebVisu?

This article describes its Plugins.

Let’s enjoy FA.

CODESYS POU Visu Generator?

CODESYS POU Visu Generator is a CODESYS Plug-ins that generates visualizations of SFC/LD function blocks and SFC/LD programmes.

The Plugins can be used to generate SFC/LD function blocks and SFC/LD programme visualizations. The generated screens represent the online status of the corresponding programme code. For example, in the case of SFC POUs, the current programme steps can be viewed in online mode.

System requirements and restrictions

To use CODESYS POU Visu Generator, the following requirements are necessary

  • Programming System CODESYS Development System V3.5.17.30 or higher
  • Addon Ladder or higher for Ladder (LD2) POUs 

Supported Platform: all Codesys devices.

Note that only SFC or LD2 type POU screens can be generated.

Donwload CODESYS Visu POU Generator

Download Plug-ins for CODESYS Visu POU Generator from the link below.

Install CODESYS Visu POU Generator

Start the PaPackage File that you have just downloaded and install it in CODESYS.

Agree to the license and proceed with Continue.

Just a second..



As mentioned earlier, its Plugins can generate program and function block screens in the Sequential Function Chart (SFC) or Ladder Diagram (LD2) implementation language. These screens can be run individually without a development system and display the current programme step highlighted in color.

Check the Plug-ins

Once the package has been installed and CODESYS has been restarted, a new menu item “Generate SFC/LD Visualisations” appears in the project menu.The “Generate SFC/LD Visualisations” function allows the SFC/LD Visu Generator is executed.

Create New Project

To create a new project, click File>New Project.

In this article, I will use Codesys Runtime from my own PC, so select CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 (CODESYS) as Device and press >Ok to proceed.

Done!A new programme has been created.

Add POUs

CODESYS POU Visu Generator only supports LD2 and SFC, so add a POU: select Application>Add Object>POU.


Set the programme name and select Type as Program. Also, set Implementation language to LD2 and create a programme.

Existing Ladder Logic Diagram (LD) POUs can be converted to a new ladder (LD2) type using “Convert to New Ladder”.

Done!The LD2 programme has been added.

Create a simple programme in this article.


This is the SFC programme.

But to use the Code monitoring function of the SFC, another setting is required for the relevant programme. Right-click on the relevant programme>Properties.

“SFCCurrentStep” in the SFC Settings Tab must be set for all SFC object properties. If this flag is not set, a compile error will occur.


Compile the project at Build>Build.

Generate SFC/LD Visualization

Now it’s time to generate the screen – click on Project>Generate SFC/LD Visualisation.

Done!Check the Message output carefully for errors.

Add Visualization

Before adding a Visualization, click Application>Right click>Add Object>Visualisation.

Active VisuSymbols(System) and Add.

Done!Visualization has been added.

Visualisation Toolbox>Current Project displays the programme screen you have just created. 

As this is just a demonstration, we will use the same View to display two programs at the same time.


Click on Login and Download your project to the CPU.

Proceed with Yes.

Start your Application!

Finally, click on the Start button to run the programme. c


See how it works from this video! 

Codesys.SFC/LD Visualizations Demo


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