In this article, we will explain the installation procedure of CDP Studio on Yokogawa ert3 from the first step, and you can try distributed control close to IEC61499 by installing CDP Studio Runtime on your ert3.
Come on, let’s enjoy FA.

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Create New Project
Start CDP Studio and create a new project with New Project.
Select CDP System.
Enter the application name.
Set the Version of CDP Ruintime and proceed with Next>.
Select Application Type as Console and Finish to create the project.
Done!A new CDP Studio project is created.
Configure Network
Next, to configure the network for the work environment, add Network Interface under Address in the Network item.
Select the Ethernet Interface you wish to search for in the network.
Scan the Network
Click on the red frame button in the Device section to search the network.
Done!Yokogawa ert3 was found. Next click on the gear button.
Configure Device
This is the device settings screen.
Set up the Yokogawa ert3 Controller used in this article.
User name can be put as ert3.
Free Port
Next, set the Free Port to match the actual device.
Finally, click the Test button to test the connection between CDP Studio and the Yokogawa PLC.
ert3 Enter the User’s Password.
Deploy Public Key
Transfer the Deloy Public Key from CDP Studio to Yokogawa CPU.
Show Running Process
Click on “Show Running Process” to check the current status of Yokogawa ert3.
Finally, click the Pari button to paring the device.
Run a script to check your System
Deloying a project to CDP Studio requires Toolkit configuration; Toolkit depends on the Linux distribution of the device.
The script file is available from CDP Studio.
ert3 Enter the User’s Password.
Done!The Toolkit available for Yokogawa ert3 is displayed. In other words, Yokogawa ert3 can use CDP Studio.
Choose Toolkit
Next, in the Application section, configure the following settings.
- The device will be the Yokogawa ert3 device set up earlier.
- The toolkit should be INSYS Smartbox ARMv7 32-Bit.
The last step is to deloy the CPD Stuido application.
Proceed with Merge.
Click Apply Change to transfer the project to Yokogawa ert3.
Done!The application has been launched.
And now it is connected to CDP Studio.
Information such as CPU Load for Yokogawa ert3 was also obtained.