ctrlX#Telegraf Appを使ってみよう

今回の記事ではctrlXのInfluxDBだけではなく、Telegraf APPの連携方法を説明します。Telegrafは300以上のPlug-inがあり、OTで一番使えそうなMQTT・OPC UA・ModbusのConfiguration設定し、Groov EPICのControllerのデータを取得します。


ctrlX AUTOMATION – Telegraf

Telegraf™はInfluxDataによって登録/所有されている商標であり、InfluxDataはこのctrlX COREアプリと関係ありません。Telegraf Appは、情報を収集、処理、集約し、InfluxDBのようなターゲットシステムに書き込み可能なPluginをたくさん提供しています。


  • Database: MongoDB、MySQL、Redisなどのデータソースに接続し、データ収集と送信を行います。
  • Systems: クラウドプラットフォーム、コンテナ、オーケストレーターの最新スタックから情報を収集できます。
  • IoT sensors: IoTセンサーやデバイスから重要な状態データ(圧力レベル、温度レベルなど)を収集できます。

こちらはTelegraf Appの基本画面です。


Telegraf APPには診断Log機能もあり、実際Telegrafの状態を確認もできます。


Install APP

次はTelegraf Appをインストールするため、Web Server>Install an appをクリックします。

Install from fileをクリックします。

Telegraf Appを選択します。




Reference Link

ctrlX#influxDB Appを使ってみよう
PLCNEXT#Play with Influxdb
PLCNEXT#Play with InfluxDB x telegraf


まずはTelegraf APPのConfigurationを作成し、ctrlXの内部UsageをInfluxDBに送信します。

ctrlXのWeb serverをアクセスし、右にあるTelegrafをクリックします。


Add Telegraf Configurationをクリックします。


Configuration名を入力し、demo Configurationを選び>Okで進みます。


次は鉛筆ICONをクリックしTelegrafのConfiguraiton Fileを修正します。

ctrlX内でTelegraf Configuration Fileが表示されました。



Configuration File

こちらはImplementation1のTelegraf Configuration画面です。

  interval = “5s”
  round_interval = true
  flush_interval = “5s”

## Install InfluxDB at first
## Set up the InfluxDB with organization and initial bucket
## Log in the InfluxDB UI and get the token
## Configure the output plugin influxdb_v2 with these datas
  urls =  [“”]
  token = “CquPrz9Vmbx-QgvMqGJgMVdHADDkjVAKZELRcANRKqWXRr-nxKQfVEGesQz6gad5GNV1neHdSMKfkd5eb5urkA==”
  organization = “mana”
  bucket = “mainBucket”
  insecure_skip_verify = true

## Configure the input plugin with the username and password to ctrlX Core 
  ## Hostname or IP address of the ctrlX CORE Data Layer server
  ##  example: server = “localhost”        # Telegraf is running directly on the device
  ##           server = “”      # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via IP
  ##           server = “host.example.com” # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via hostname
  ##           server = “”    # Connect to ctrlX CORE Virtual from development environment
  server = “”

  ## Authentication credentials
  username = “boschrexroth”
  password = “boschrexroth”

  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  insecure_skip_verify = true

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests. (default: “10s”)
  # timeout = “10s”

  ## Create a ctrlX Data Layer subscription.
  ## It is possible to define multiple subscriptions per host. Each subscription can have its own
  ## sampling properties and a list of nodes to subscribe to.
  ## All subscriptions share the same credentials.
      ## The name of the measurement. (default: “ctrlx”)
      measurement = “metrics”

      ## Configure the ctrlX Data Layer nodes which should be subscribed.
      ## address – node address in ctrlX Data Layer (mandatory)
      ## name    – field name to use in the output (optional, default: base name of address)
      ## tags    – extra node tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
      ## Note:
      ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
      ## The tags property is only supported in bracketed notation due to toml parser restrictions
      ## Examples:
      ## Inline notation
        {name=”cpu_usage_percent”, address=”framework/metrics/system/cpu-utilisation-percent”},
      ## Bracketed notation
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”available”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb”
      #    ## Define extra tags related to node to be added to the output metric (optional)
      #    [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes.tags]
      #       node_tag1=”node_tag1″
      #       node_tag2=”node_tag2″
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”used”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memused-mb”

      ## The switch “output_json_string” enables output of the measurement as json.
      ## That way it can be used in in a subsequent processor plugin, e.g. “Starlark Processor Plugin”.
      # output_json_string = false

      ## Define extra tags related to subscription to be added to the output metric (optional)
      # [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.tags]
      #    subscription_tag1 = “subscription_tag1”
      #    subscription_tag2 = “subscription_tag2”

      ## The interval in which messages shall be sent by the ctrlX Data Layer to this plugin. (default: 1s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on network by queuing samples on server side and sending as a single TCP packet.
      #publish_interval = “1s”

      ## The interval a “keepalive” message is sent if no change of data occurs. (default: 60s)
      ## Only used internally to detect broken network connections.
      # keep_alive_interval = “60s”

      ## The interval an “error” message is sent if an error was received from a node. (default: 10s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on output target and network in case of errors by limiting frequency of error messages.
      # error_interval = “10s”

      ## The interval that defines the fastest rate at which the node values should be sampled and values captured. (default: 1s)
      ## The sampling frequency should be adjusted to the dynamics of the signal to be sampled.
      ## Higher sampling frequence increases load on ctrlX Data Layer.
      ## The sampling frequency can be higher, than the publish interval. Captured samples are put in a queue and sent in publish interval.
      ## Note: The minimum sampling interval can be overruled by a global setting in the ctrlX Data Layer configuration (‘datalayer/subscriptions/settings’).
      #sampling_interval = “1s”

      ## The requested size of the node value queue. (default: 10)
      ## Relevant if more values are captured than can be sent.
      # queue_size = 10

      ## The behaviour of the queue if it is full. (default: “DiscardOldest”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “DiscardOldest”
      ##   The oldest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      ## – “DiscardNewest”
      ##   The newest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      # queue_behaviour = “DiscardOldest”

      ## The filter when a new value will be sampled. (default: 0.0)
      ## Calculation rule: If (abs(lastCapturedValue – newValue) > dead_band_value) capture(newValue).
      # dead_band_value = 0.0

      ## The conditions on which a sample should be captured and thus will be sent as a message. (default: “StatusValue”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “Status”
      ##   Capture the value only, when the state of the node changes from or to error state. Value changes are ignored.
      ## – “StatusValue”
      ##   Capture when the value changes or the node changes from or to error state.
      ##   See also ‘dead_band_value’ for what is considered as a value change.
      ## – “StatusValueTimestamp”:
      ##   Capture even if the value is the same, but the timestamp of the value is newer.
      ##   Note: This might lead to high load on the network because every sample will be sent as a message
      ##   even if the value of the node did not change.
      # value_change = “StatusValue”



  urls =  [“”]
  token = “CquPrz9Vmbx-QgvMqGJgMVdHADDkjVAKZELRcANRKqWXRr-nxKQfVEGesQz6gad5GNV1neHdSMKfkd5eb5urkA==”
  organization = “mana”
  bucket = “mainBucket”
  insecure_skip_verify = true






tokenはAPI Keyです。もしAPI Keyが無くした場合はAPI Keyを再生成してください。






username/passawordはWeb serverで設定したものに入力しましょう。




Telegraf ConfigurationのStateはRunningになります。


画面が2つに分かれ、Diagnostic logに実行履歴が表示されるようになります。



ctrlX VirtualcoreのCPU使用率が見えるようになりました。

Implementation2 OPC-UA Plugin

次はTelegraf APPのConfigurationにOPC UA Plginを追加し、groov EPIC CPUのOPC UA Serverにアクセスし、データをInfluxDBに保存します。

Reference Link

Opto22#Groov EPIC ControllerでOPC UA Server使ってみよう

Opto22 Side

先ほどのReference Linkからも詳しい説明がありますが、今回の記事でも簡単な設定紹介だけさせていただきます。

Opto22の中にある”Data Service”をクリックします。

Data Services の画面が表示され、Configuure Buttonをクリックします。

Scanned Devicesの中でLocal I/O System設定を行います。

Local I/O SystemのData Servicesが有効であることを確認してください。

また、Public Accessの中ににあるI/O Channelsの有効設定が必要です。

I/O画面にはOpto22にインストールされているIO Slotがすべて表示しています。

また、各Channelには名前を設定することによって、OPCUA Serverの中にNodeとしてアクセス可能になります。

こちらはModule0、Channel0の設定画面で、Configure ボタンをクリックし細かい設定を行います。

基本はNameとPubic Accessできるデータの設定のみでOKです。

ctlX Side

次はctrlX Sideの設定を行います。InfluxDBの中にあるSource Menuを開きます。

Load Data Source画面が表示されています。

OPC UAを検索し、TelegrafのOPC UA Client Pluginをダブルクリックします。

OPC UA Input Plugin画面が表示されます。

画面に表示されているConfigurationテキストをすべてCopyし、ctrlXのTelegraf Configurationに貼り付けてください。


こちらはOPC-UA Pluginを追加したTelegraf Configurationになります。

  interval = “5s”
  round_interval = true
  flush_interval = “5s”

## Install InfluxDB at first
## Set up the InfluxDB with organization and initial bucket
## Log in the InfluxDB UI and get the token
## Configure the output plugin influxdb_v2 with these datas
  urls =  [“”]
  token = “CquPrz9Vmbx-QgvMqGJgMVdHADDkjVAKZELRcANRKqWXRr-nxKQfVEGesQz6gad5GNV1neHdSMKfkd5eb5urkA==”
  organization = “mana”
  bucket = “mainBucket”
  insecure_skip_verify = true

## Configure the input plugin with the username and password to ctrlX Core 
  ## Hostname or IP address of the ctrlX CORE Data Layer server
  ##  example: server = “localhost”        # Telegraf is running directly on the device
  ##           server = “”      # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via IP
  ##           server = “host.example.com” # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via hostname
  ##           server = “”    # Connect to ctrlX CORE Virtual from development environment
  server = “”

  ## Authentication credentials
  username = “boschrexroth”
  password = “boschrexroth”

  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  insecure_skip_verify = true

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests. (default: “10s”)
  # timeout = “10s”

  ## Create a ctrlX Data Layer subscription.
  ## It is possible to define multiple subscriptions per host. Each subscription can have its own
  ## sampling properties and a list of nodes to subscribe to.
  ## All subscriptions share the same credentials.
      ## The name of the measurement. (default: “ctrlx”)
      measurement = “metrics”

      ## Configure the ctrlX Data Layer nodes which should be subscribed.
      ## address – node address in ctrlX Data Layer (mandatory)
      ## name    – field name to use in the output (optional, default: base name of address)
      ## tags    – extra node tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
      ## Note:
      ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
      ## The tags property is only supported in bracketed notation due to toml parser restrictions
      ## Examples:
      ## Inline notation
        {name=”cpu_usage_percent”, address=”framework/metrics/system/cpu-utilisation-percent”},
      ## Bracketed notation
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”available”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb”
      #    ## Define extra tags related to node to be added to the output metric (optional)
      #    [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes.tags]
      #       node_tag1=”node_tag1″
      #       node_tag2=”node_tag2″
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”used”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memused-mb”

      ## The switch “output_json_string” enables output of the measurement as json.
      ## That way it can be used in in a subsequent processor plugin, e.g. “Starlark Processor Plugin”.
      # output_json_string = false

      ## Define extra tags related to subscription to be added to the output metric (optional)
      # [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.tags]
      #    subscription_tag1 = “subscription_tag1”
      #    subscription_tag2 = “subscription_tag2”

      ## The interval in which messages shall be sent by the ctrlX Data Layer to this plugin. (default: 1s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on network by queuing samples on server side and sending as a single TCP packet.
      #publish_interval = “1s”

      ## The interval a “keepalive” message is sent if no change of data occurs. (default: 60s)
      ## Only used internally to detect broken network connections.
      # keep_alive_interval = “60s”

      ## The interval an “error” message is sent if an error was received from a node. (default: 10s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on output target and network in case of errors by limiting frequency of error messages.
      # error_interval = “10s”

      ## The interval that defines the fastest rate at which the node values should be sampled and values captured. (default: 1s)
      ## The sampling frequency should be adjusted to the dynamics of the signal to be sampled.
      ## Higher sampling frequence increases load on ctrlX Data Layer.
      ## The sampling frequency can be higher, than the publish interval. Captured samples are put in a queue and sent in publish interval.
      ## Note: The minimum sampling interval can be overruled by a global setting in the ctrlX Data Layer configuration (‘datalayer/subscriptions/settings’).
      #sampling_interval = “1s”

      ## The requested size of the node value queue. (default: 10)
      ## Relevant if more values are captured than can be sent.
      # queue_size = 10

      ## The behaviour of the queue if it is full. (default: “DiscardOldest”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “DiscardOldest”
      ##   The oldest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      ## – “DiscardNewest”
      ##   The newest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      # queue_behaviour = “DiscardOldest”

      ## The filter when a new value will be sampled. (default: 0.0)
      ## Calculation rule: If (abs(lastCapturedValue – newValue) > dead_band_value) capture(newValue).
      # dead_band_value = 0.0

      ## The conditions on which a sample should be captured and thus will be sent as a message. (default: “StatusValue”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “Status”
      ##   Capture the value only, when the state of the node changes from or to error state. Value changes are ignored.
      ## – “StatusValue”
      ##   Capture when the value changes or the node changes from or to error state.
      ##   See also ‘dead_band_value’ for what is considered as a value change.
      ## – “StatusValueTimestamp”:
      ##   Capture even if the value is the same, but the timestamp of the value is newer.
      ##   Note: This might lead to high load on the network because every sample will be sent as a message
      ##   even if the value of the node did not change.
      # value_change = “StatusValue”
  ## Metric name
  name = “opcua”
  ## OPC UA Endpoint URL
  endpoint = “opc.tcp://”
  ## Maximum time allowed to establish a connect to the endpoint.
  connect_timeout = “10s”
  ## Maximum time allowed for a request over the estabilished connection.
  request_timeout = “5s”
  ## Security policy, one of “None”, “Basic128Rsa15”, “Basic256”,
  ## “Basic256Sha256”, or “auto”
  security_policy = “None”
  ## Security mode, one of “None”, “Sign”, “SignAndEncrypt”, or “auto”
  security_mode = “None”
  ## Path to cert.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If cert path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # certificate = “/etc/telegraf/cert.pem”
  ## Path to private key.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If key path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # private_key = “/etc/telegraf/key.pem”
  ## Authentication Method, one of “Certificate”, “UserName”, or “Anonymous”.  To
  ## authenticate using a specific ID, select ‘Certificate’ or ‘UserName’
  # auth_method = “Anonymous”
  ## Username. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # username = “”
  ## Password. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # password = “”
  ## Option to select the metric timestamp to use. Valid options are:
  ##     “gather” — uses the time of receiving the data in telegraf
  ##     “server” — uses the timestamp provided by the server
  ##     “source” — uses the timestamp provided by the source
  # timestamp = “gather”
  ## Node ID configuration
  ## name              – field name to use in the output
  ## namespace         – OPC UA namespace of the node (integer value 0 thru 3)
  ## identifier_type   – OPC UA ID type (s=string, i=numeric, g=guid, b=opaque)
  ## identifier        – OPC UA ID (tag as shown in opcua browser)
  ## tags              – extra tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
  ## Example:
  ## {name=”ProductUri”, namespace=”0″, identifier_type=”i”, identifier=”2262″, tags=[[“tag1″,”value1”],[“tag2”,”value2]]}
  nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  ## Node Group
  ## Sets defaults for OPC UA namespace and ID type so they aren’t required in
  ## every node.  A group can also have a metric name that overrides the main
  ## plugin metric name.
  ## Multiple node groups are allowed
  ## Group Metric name. Overrides the top level name.  If unset, the
  ## top level name is used.
  # name =
  ## Group default namespace. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # namespace =
  ## Group default identifier type. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # identifier_type =
  ## Node ID Configuration.  Array of nodes with the same settings as above.
  # nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.opcua.workarounds]
    ## Set additional valid status codes, StatusOK (0x0) is always considered valid
    # additional_valid_status_codes = [“0xC0”]
    # Retrieve data from MODBUS slave devices


基本的にはこちらの設定をOPC UA Serverの設定と合わせる必要があります。


endpointはOPC UA ServerのアクセスEndpointになります。

security_policy security_mode 

こちらはOPC UA Serverをアクセスするときのセキュリティモードになります。

## Security policy, one of “None”, “Basic128Rsa15”, “Basic256”,
  ## “Basic256Sha256”, or “auto”
  security_policy = “None”
  ## Security mode, one of “None”, “Sign”, “SignAndEncrypt”, or “auto”
  security_mode = “None”

Nodesは実際アプリケーション上でアクセスしたいOPC UA ServerのNodesになります。


Done!_measurementに”opcua”が増え、_fieldにはOPC UA ServerのNodeデータもありました。

Implementation3 Modbus

今回はTelegraf APPのConfigurationにModbus Plginを追加し、groov EPIC CPUのModbus TCP Serverにアクセスし、データをInfluxDBに保存します。

Reference Link

Opto22#Groov EPIC ControllerをModbusTCP経由でIOデータを取ってみよう

Opto22 Side

先ほどのReference Linkからも詳しい説明がありますが、今回の記事でも簡単な設定紹介だけさせていただきます。I/O Configuration画面の中でModbus 機能を有効にしてることを確認してください。

次はOpto22 ControllerのModbus アドレスを確認します。例えば下図では、Module3、Channel0のModbus アドレスはUnit ID=21、6144と6145になります。

ctrlX Side

今度はTelegraf のModbus Pluginsを追加します。こちらのPluginではRTUもTCPも対応しています。


こちらはModbus Pluginを追加したTelegraf Configurationになります。

  interval = “5s”
  round_interval = true
  flush_interval = “5s”

## Install InfluxDB at first
## Set up the InfluxDB with organization and initial bucket
## Log in the InfluxDB UI and get the token
## Configure the output plugin influxdb_v2 with these datas
  urls =  [“”]
  token = “CquPrz9Vmbx-QgvMqGJgMVdHADDkjVAKZELRcANRKqWXRr-nxKQfVEGesQz6gad5GNV1neHdSMKfkd5eb5urkA==”
  organization = “mana”
  bucket = “mainBucket2”
  insecure_skip_verify = true

## Configure the input plugin with the username and password to ctrlX Core 
  ## Hostname or IP address of the ctrlX CORE Data Layer server
  ##  example: server = “localhost”        # Telegraf is running directly on the device
  ##           server = “”      # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via IP
  ##           server = “host.example.com” # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via hostname
  ##           server = “”    # Connect to ctrlX CORE Virtual from development environment
  server = “”

  ## Authentication credentials
  username = “boschrexroth”
  password = “boschrexroth”

  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  insecure_skip_verify = true

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests. (default: “10s”)
  # timeout = “10s”

  ## Create a ctrlX Data Layer subscription.
  ## It is possible to define multiple subscriptions per host. Each subscription can have its own
  ## sampling properties and a list of nodes to subscribe to.
  ## All subscriptions share the same credentials.
      ## The name of the measurement. (default: “ctrlx”)
      measurement = “metrics”

      ## Configure the ctrlX Data Layer nodes which should be subscribed.
      ## address – node address in ctrlX Data Layer (mandatory)
      ## name    – field name to use in the output (optional, default: base name of address)
      ## tags    – extra node tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
      ## Note:
      ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
      ## The tags property is only supported in bracketed notation due to toml parser restrictions
      ## Examples:
      ## Inline notation
        {name=”cpu_usage_percent”, address=”framework/metrics/system/cpu-utilisation-percent”},
      ## Bracketed notation
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”available”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb”
      #    ## Define extra tags related to node to be added to the output metric (optional)
      #    [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes.tags]
      #       node_tag1=”node_tag1″
      #       node_tag2=”node_tag2″
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”used”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memused-mb”

      ## The switch “output_json_string” enables output of the measurement as json.
      ## That way it can be used in in a subsequent processor plugin, e.g. “Starlark Processor Plugin”.
      # output_json_string = false

      ## Define extra tags related to subscription to be added to the output metric (optional)
      # [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.tags]
      #    subscription_tag1 = “subscription_tag1”
      #    subscription_tag2 = “subscription_tag2”

      ## The interval in which messages shall be sent by the ctrlX Data Layer to this plugin. (default: 1s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on network by queuing samples on server side and sending as a single TCP packet.
      #publish_interval = “1s”

      ## The interval a “keepalive” message is sent if no change of data occurs. (default: 60s)
      ## Only used internally to detect broken network connections.
      # keep_alive_interval = “60s”

      ## The interval an “error” message is sent if an error was received from a node. (default: 10s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on output target and network in case of errors by limiting frequency of error messages.
      # error_interval = “10s”

      ## The interval that defines the fastest rate at which the node values should be sampled and values captured. (default: 1s)
      ## The sampling frequency should be adjusted to the dynamics of the signal to be sampled.
      ## Higher sampling frequence increases load on ctrlX Data Layer.
      ## The sampling frequency can be higher, than the publish interval. Captured samples are put in a queue and sent in publish interval.
      ## Note: The minimum sampling interval can be overruled by a global setting in the ctrlX Data Layer configuration (‘datalayer/subscriptions/settings’).
      #sampling_interval = “1s”

      ## The requested size of the node value queue. (default: 10)
      ## Relevant if more values are captured than can be sent.
      # queue_size = 10

      ## The behaviour of the queue if it is full. (default: “DiscardOldest”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “DiscardOldest”
      ##   The oldest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      ## – “DiscardNewest”
      ##   The newest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      # queue_behaviour = “DiscardOldest”

      ## The filter when a new value will be sampled. (default: 0.0)
      ## Calculation rule: If (abs(lastCapturedValue – newValue) > dead_band_value) capture(newValue).
      # dead_band_value = 0.0

      ## The conditions on which a sample should be captured and thus will be sent as a message. (default: “StatusValue”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “Status”
      ##   Capture the value only, when the state of the node changes from or to error state. Value changes are ignored.
      ## – “StatusValue”
      ##   Capture when the value changes or the node changes from or to error state.
      ##   See also ‘dead_band_value’ for what is considered as a value change.
      ## – “StatusValueTimestamp”:
      ##   Capture even if the value is the same, but the timestamp of the value is newer.
      ##   Note: This might lead to high load on the network because every sample will be sent as a message
      ##   even if the value of the node did not change.
      # value_change = “StatusValue”
  ## Metric name
  name = “opcua”
  ## OPC UA Endpoint URL
  endpoint = “opc.tcp://”
  ## Maximum time allowed to establish a connect to the endpoint.
  connect_timeout = “10s”
  ## Maximum time allowed for a request over the estabilished connection.
  request_timeout = “5s”
  ## Security policy, one of “None”, “Basic128Rsa15”, “Basic256”,
  ## “Basic256Sha256”, or “auto”
  security_policy = “None”
  ## Security mode, one of “None”, “Sign”, “SignAndEncrypt”, or “auto”
  security_mode = “None”
  ## Path to cert.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If cert path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # certificate = “/etc/telegraf/cert.pem”
  ## Path to private key.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If key path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # private_key = “/etc/telegraf/key.pem”
  ## Authentication Method, one of “Certificate”, “UserName”, or “Anonymous”.  To
  ## authenticate using a specific ID, select ‘Certificate’ or ‘UserName’
  # auth_method = “Anonymous”
  ## Username. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # username = “”
  ## Password. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # password = “”
  ## Option to select the metric timestamp to use. Valid options are:
  ##     “gather” — uses the time of receiving the data in telegraf
  ##     “server” — uses the timestamp provided by the server
  ##     “source” — uses the timestamp provided by the source
  # timestamp = “gather”
  ## Node ID configuration
  ## name              – field name to use in the output
  ## namespace         – OPC UA namespace of the node (integer value 0 thru 3)
  ## identifier_type   – OPC UA ID type (s=string, i=numeric, g=guid, b=opaque)
  ## identifier        – OPC UA ID (tag as shown in opcua browser)
  ## tags              – extra tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
  ## Example:
  ## {name=”ProductUri”, namespace=”0″, identifier_type=”i”, identifier=”2262″, tags=[[“tag1″,”value1”],[“tag2”,”value2]]}
  nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  ## Node Group
  ## Sets defaults for OPC UA namespace and ID type so they aren’t required in
  ## every node.  A group can also have a metric name that overrides the main
  ## plugin metric name.
  ## Multiple node groups are allowed
  ## Group Metric name. Overrides the top level name.  If unset, the
  ## top level name is used.
  # name =
  ## Group default namespace. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # namespace =
  ## Group default identifier type. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # identifier_type =
  ## Node ID Configuration.  Array of nodes with the same settings as above.
  # nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.opcua.workarounds]
    ## Set additional valid status codes, StatusOK (0x0) is always considered valid
    # additional_valid_status_codes = [“0xC0”]
    # Retrieve data from MODBUS slave devices

  ## Connection Configuration
  ## The plugin supports connections to PLCs via MODBUS/TCP, RTU over TCP, ASCII over TCP or
  ## via serial line communication in binary (RTU) or readable (ASCII) encoding
  ## Device name
  name = “ModbusDriverOpto22”

  ## Slave ID – addresses a MODBUS device on the bus
  ## Range: 0 – 255 [0 = broadcast; 248 – 255 = reserved]
  slave_id = 21

  ## Timeout for each request
  timeout = “1s”

  ## Maximum number of retries and the time to wait between retries
  ## when a slave-device is busy.
  # busy_retries = 0
  # busy_retries_wait = “100ms”

  # TCP – connect via Modbus/TCP
  controller = “tcp://”

  ## Serial (RS485; RS232)
  # controller = “file:///dev/ttyUSB0”
  # baud_rate = 9600
  # data_bits = 8
  # parity = “N”
  # stop_bits = 1

  ## For Modbus over TCP you can choose between “TCP”, “RTUoverTCP” and “ASCIIoverTCP”
  ## default behaviour is “TCP” if the controller is TCP
  ## For Serial you can choose between “RTU” and “ASCII”
  # transmission_mode = “RTU”

  ## Trace the connection to the modbus device as debug messages
  ## Note: You have to enable telegraf’s debug mode to see those messages!
  # debug_connection = false

  ## Define the configuration schema
  ##  |—register — define fields per register type in the original style (only supports one slave ID)
  ##  |—request  — define fields on a requests base
  configuration_type = “register”

  ## — “register” configuration style —

  ## Measurements

  ## Digital Variables, Discrete Inputs and Coils
  ## measurement – the (optional) measurement name, defaults to “modbus”
  ## name        – the variable name
  ## address     – variable address

  #discrete_inputs = [
  #  { name = “start”,          address = [0]},
  #  { name = “stop”,           address = [1]},
  #  { name = “reset”,          address = [2]},
  #  { name = “emergency_stop”, address = [3]},
  #coils = [
  #  { name = “motor1_run”,     address = [0]},
  #  { name = “motor1_jog”,     address = [1]},
  #  { name = “motor1_stop”,    address = [2]},

  ## Analog Variables, Input Registers and Holding Registers
  ## measurement – the (optional) measurement name, defaults to “modbus”
  ## name        – the variable name
  ## byte_order  – the ordering of bytes
  ##  |—AB, ABCD   – Big Endian
  ##  |—BA, DCBA   – Little Endian
  ##  |—BADC       – Mid-Big Endian
  ##  |—CDAB       – Mid-Little Endian
  ## data_type   – INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64,
  ##               FLOAT32-IEEE, FLOAT64-IEEE (the IEEE 754 binary representation)
  ##               FLOAT32, FIXED, UFIXED (fixed-point representation on input)
  ## scale       – the final numeric variable representation
  ## address     – variable address

  holding_registers = [
    { name = “RotarySwitch”, byte_order = “ABCD”,  data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0 ,address = [6144,6145]}
    , { name = “RotarySwitch_MinLimit”, byte_order = “ABCD”,   data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0,  address = [6148,6149]}
    , { name = “RotarySwitch_MaxLimit”, byte_order = “ABCD”,   data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0,  address = [6150,6151]}
  #  { name = “voltage”,      byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.1,   address = [0]},
  #  { name = “energy”,       byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.001, address = [5,6]},
  #  { name = “current”,      byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.001, address = [1,2]},
  #  { name = “frequency”,    byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “UFIXED”, scale=0.1,  address = [7]},
  #  { name = “power”,        byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “UFIXED”, scale=0.1,  address = [3,4]},
# input_registers = [
#   { name = “tank_level”,   byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “INT16”,   scale=1.0,     address = [0]},
#   { name = “tank_ph”,      byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “INT16”,   scale=1.0,     address = [1]},
#   { name = “pump1_speed”,  byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “INT32”,   scale=1.0,     address = [3,4]},
# ]

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.modbus.workarounds]
    ## Pause between read requests sent to the device. This might be necessary for (slow) serial devices.
    # pause_between_requests = “0ms”
    ## Close the connection after every gather cycle. Usually the plugin closes the connection after a certain
    ## idle-timeout, however, if you query a device with limited simultaneous connectivity (e.g. serial devices)
    ## from multiple instances you might want to only stay connected during gather and disconnect afterwards.
    # close_connection_after_gather = false


基本的にはこちらの設定をModbus TCP Serverの設定と合わせる必要があります。

ControllerはModbus TCP ServerのIPアドレスになります。

Slave id

Slave idはServer側に合わせて設定してください。




Done!_measurementに”modbus”が増え、_fieldにはModus TCP ServerrのRegisterデータもありました。

Implementation 4MQTT

最後はTelegraf APPのConfigurationにMQTT Plginを追加し、groov EPIC CPUのMessageをSubscribeし、データをInfluxDBに保存します。

Reference Link

Opto22#Groov EPIC ControllerでMQTTを使ってみよう

Opto22 Side

先ほどのReference Linkからも詳しい説明がありますが、今回の記事でも簡単な設定紹介だけさせていただきます。MQTT StringにMQTTを有効し、アクセスするMQTT Brokerなどを設定してください。


ctrlX Side

Telegraf のMQTTPluginsを追加します。


こちらはMQTT Pluginを追加したTelegraf Configurationになります。

  interval = “5s”
  round_interval = true
  flush_interval = “5s”

## Install InfluxDB at first
## Set up the InfluxDB with organization and initial bucket
## Log in the InfluxDB UI and get the token
## Configure the output plugin influxdb_v2 with these datas
  urls =  [“”]
  token = “CquPrz9Vmbx-QgvMqGJgMVdHADDkjVAKZELRcANRKqWXRr-nxKQfVEGesQz6gad5GNV1neHdSMKfkd5eb5urkA==”
  organization = “mana”
  bucket = “mainBucket2”
  insecure_skip_verify = true

## Configure the input plugin with the username and password to ctrlX Core 
  ## Hostname or IP address of the ctrlX CORE Data Layer server
  ##  example: server = “localhost”        # Telegraf is running directly on the device
  ##           server = “”      # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via IP
  ##           server = “host.example.com” # Connect to ctrlX CORE remote via hostname
  ##           server = “”    # Connect to ctrlX CORE Virtual from development environment
  server = “”

  ## Authentication credentials
  username = “boschrexroth”
  password = “boschrexroth”

  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  insecure_skip_verify = true

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests. (default: “10s”)
  # timeout = “10s”

  ## Create a ctrlX Data Layer subscription.
  ## It is possible to define multiple subscriptions per host. Each subscription can have its own
  ## sampling properties and a list of nodes to subscribe to.
  ## All subscriptions share the same credentials.
      ## The name of the measurement. (default: “ctrlx”)
      measurement = “metrics”

      ## Configure the ctrlX Data Layer nodes which should be subscribed.
      ## address – node address in ctrlX Data Layer (mandatory)
      ## name    – field name to use in the output (optional, default: base name of address)
      ## tags    – extra node tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
      ## Note:
      ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
      ## The tags property is only supported in bracketed notation due to toml parser restrictions
      ## Examples:
      ## Inline notation
        {name=”cpu_usage_percent”, address=”framework/metrics/system/cpu-utilisation-percent”},
      ## Bracketed notation
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”available”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memavailable-mb”
      #    ## Define extra tags related to node to be added to the output metric (optional)
      #    [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes.tags]
      #       node_tag1=”node_tag1″
      #       node_tag2=”node_tag2″
      # [[inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.nodes]]
      #    name   =”used”
      #    address=”framework/metrics/system/memused-mb”

      ## The switch “output_json_string” enables output of the measurement as json.
      ## That way it can be used in in a subsequent processor plugin, e.g. “Starlark Processor Plugin”.
      # output_json_string = false

      ## Define extra tags related to subscription to be added to the output metric (optional)
      # [inputs.ctrlx_datalayer.subscription.tags]
      #    subscription_tag1 = “subscription_tag1”
      #    subscription_tag2 = “subscription_tag2”

      ## The interval in which messages shall be sent by the ctrlX Data Layer to this plugin. (default: 1s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on network by queuing samples on server side and sending as a single TCP packet.
      #publish_interval = “1s”

      ## The interval a “keepalive” message is sent if no change of data occurs. (default: 60s)
      ## Only used internally to detect broken network connections.
      # keep_alive_interval = “60s”

      ## The interval an “error” message is sent if an error was received from a node. (default: 10s)
      ## Higher values reduce load on output target and network in case of errors by limiting frequency of error messages.
      # error_interval = “10s”

      ## The interval that defines the fastest rate at which the node values should be sampled and values captured. (default: 1s)
      ## The sampling frequency should be adjusted to the dynamics of the signal to be sampled.
      ## Higher sampling frequence increases load on ctrlX Data Layer.
      ## The sampling frequency can be higher, than the publish interval. Captured samples are put in a queue and sent in publish interval.
      ## Note: The minimum sampling interval can be overruled by a global setting in the ctrlX Data Layer configuration (‘datalayer/subscriptions/settings’).
      #sampling_interval = “1s”

      ## The requested size of the node value queue. (default: 10)
      ## Relevant if more values are captured than can be sent.
      # queue_size = 10

      ## The behaviour of the queue if it is full. (default: “DiscardOldest”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “DiscardOldest”
      ##   The oldest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      ## – “DiscardNewest”
      ##   The newest value gets deleted from the queue when it is full.
      # queue_behaviour = “DiscardOldest”

      ## The filter when a new value will be sampled. (default: 0.0)
      ## Calculation rule: If (abs(lastCapturedValue – newValue) > dead_band_value) capture(newValue).
      # dead_band_value = 0.0

      ## The conditions on which a sample should be captured and thus will be sent as a message. (default: “StatusValue”)
      ## Possible values:
      ## – “Status”
      ##   Capture the value only, when the state of the node changes from or to error state. Value changes are ignored.
      ## – “StatusValue”
      ##   Capture when the value changes or the node changes from or to error state.
      ##   See also ‘dead_band_value’ for what is considered as a value change.
      ## – “StatusValueTimestamp”:
      ##   Capture even if the value is the same, but the timestamp of the value is newer.
      ##   Note: This might lead to high load on the network because every sample will be sent as a message
      ##   even if the value of the node did not change.
      # value_change = “StatusValue”
  ## Metric name
  name = “opcua”
  ## OPC UA Endpoint URL
  endpoint = “opc.tcp://”
  ## Maximum time allowed to establish a connect to the endpoint.
  connect_timeout = “10s”
  ## Maximum time allowed for a request over the estabilished connection.
  request_timeout = “5s”
  ## Security policy, one of “None”, “Basic128Rsa15”, “Basic256”,
  ## “Basic256Sha256”, or “auto”
  security_policy = “None”
  ## Security mode, one of “None”, “Sign”, “SignAndEncrypt”, or “auto”
  security_mode = “None”
  ## Path to cert.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If cert path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # certificate = “/etc/telegraf/cert.pem”
  ## Path to private key.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn’t “None”.
  ## If key path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # private_key = “/etc/telegraf/key.pem”
  ## Authentication Method, one of “Certificate”, “UserName”, or “Anonymous”.  To
  ## authenticate using a specific ID, select ‘Certificate’ or ‘UserName’
  # auth_method = “Anonymous”
  ## Username. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # username = “”
  ## Password. Required for auth_method = “UserName”
  # password = “”
  ## Option to select the metric timestamp to use. Valid options are:
  ##     “gather” — uses the time of receiving the data in telegraf
  ##     “server” — uses the timestamp provided by the server
  ##     “source” — uses the timestamp provided by the source
  # timestamp = “gather”
  ## Node ID configuration
  ## name              – field name to use in the output
  ## namespace         – OPC UA namespace of the node (integer value 0 thru 3)
  ## identifier_type   – OPC UA ID type (s=string, i=numeric, g=guid, b=opaque)
  ## identifier        – OPC UA ID (tag as shown in opcua browser)
  ## tags              – extra tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
  ## Example:
  ## {name=”ProductUri”, namespace=”0″, identifier_type=”i”, identifier=”2262″, tags=[[“tag1″,”value1”],[“tag2”,”value2]]}
  nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  ## Node Group
  ## Sets defaults for OPC UA namespace and ID type so they aren’t required in
  ## every node.  A group can also have a metric name that overrides the main
  ## plugin metric name.
  ## Multiple node groups are allowed
  ## Group Metric name. Overrides the top level name.  If unset, the
  ## top level name is used.
  # name =
  ## Group default namespace. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # namespace =
  ## Group default identifier type. If a node in the group doesn’t set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # identifier_type =
  ## Node ID Configuration.  Array of nodes with the same settings as above.
  # nodes = [
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},
  #  {name=””, namespace=””, identifier_type=””, identifier=””},

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.opcua.workarounds]
    ## Set additional valid status codes, StatusOK (0x0) is always considered valid
    # additional_valid_status_codes = [“0xC0”]
    # Retrieve data from MODBUS slave devices

  ## Connection Configuration
  ## The plugin supports connections to PLCs via MODBUS/TCP, RTU over TCP, ASCII over TCP or
  ## via serial line communication in binary (RTU) or readable (ASCII) encoding
  ## Device name
  name = “ModbusDriverOpto22”

  ## Slave ID – addresses a MODBUS device on the bus
  ## Range: 0 – 255 [0 = broadcast; 248 – 255 = reserved]
  slave_id = 21

  ## Timeout for each request
  timeout = “1s”

  ## Maximum number of retries and the time to wait between retries
  ## when a slave-device is busy.
  # busy_retries = 0
  # busy_retries_wait = “100ms”

  # TCP – connect via Modbus/TCP
  controller = “tcp://”

  ## Serial (RS485; RS232)
  # controller = “file:///dev/ttyUSB0”
  # baud_rate = 9600
  # data_bits = 8
  # parity = “N”
  # stop_bits = 1

  ## For Modbus over TCP you can choose between “TCP”, “RTUoverTCP” and “ASCIIoverTCP”
  ## default behaviour is “TCP” if the controller is TCP
  ## For Serial you can choose between “RTU” and “ASCII”
  # transmission_mode = “RTU”

  ## Trace the connection to the modbus device as debug messages
  ## Note: You have to enable telegraf’s debug mode to see those messages!
  # debug_connection = false

  ## Define the configuration schema
  ##  |—register — define fields per register type in the original style (only supports one slave ID)
  ##  |—request  — define fields on a requests base
  configuration_type = “register”

  ## — “register” configuration style —

  ## Measurements

  ## Digital Variables, Discrete Inputs and Coils
  ## measurement – the (optional) measurement name, defaults to “modbus”
  ## name        – the variable name
  ## address     – variable address

  #discrete_inputs = [
  #  { name = “start”,          address = [0]},
  #  { name = “stop”,           address = [1]},
  #  { name = “reset”,          address = [2]},
  #  { name = “emergency_stop”, address = [3]},
  #coils = [
  #  { name = “motor1_run”,     address = [0]},
  #  { name = “motor1_jog”,     address = [1]},
  #  { name = “motor1_stop”,    address = [2]},

  ## Analog Variables, Input Registers and Holding Registers
  ## measurement – the (optional) measurement name, defaults to “modbus”
  ## name        – the variable name
  ## byte_order  – the ordering of bytes
  ##  |—AB, ABCD   – Big Endian
  ##  |—BA, DCBA   – Little Endian
  ##  |—BADC       – Mid-Big Endian
  ##  |—CDAB       – Mid-Little Endian
  ## data_type   – INT16, UINT16, INT32, UINT32, INT64, UINT64,
  ##               FLOAT32-IEEE, FLOAT64-IEEE (the IEEE 754 binary representation)
  ##               FLOAT32, FIXED, UFIXED (fixed-point representation on input)
  ## scale       – the final numeric variable representation
  ## address     – variable address

  holding_registers = [
    { name = “RotarySwitch”, byte_order = “ABCD”,  data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0 ,address = [6144,6145]}
    , { name = “RotarySwitch_MinLimit”, byte_order = “ABCD”,   data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0,  address = [6148,6149]}
    , { name = “RotarySwitch_MaxLimit”, byte_order = “ABCD”,   data_type = “FLOAT32-IEEE”, scale=1.0,  address = [6150,6151]}
  #  { name = “voltage”,      byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.1,   address = [0]},
  #  { name = “energy”,       byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.001, address = [5,6]},
  #  { name = “current”,      byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “FIXED”, scale=0.001, address = [1,2]},
  #  { name = “frequency”,    byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “UFIXED”, scale=0.1,  address = [7]},
  #  { name = “power”,        byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “UFIXED”, scale=0.1,  address = [3,4]},
# input_registers = [
#   { name = “tank_level”,   byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “INT16”,   scale=1.0,     address = [0]},
#   { name = “tank_ph”,      byte_order = “AB”,   data_type = “INT16”,   scale=1.0,     address = [1]},
#   { name = “pump1_speed”,  byte_order = “ABCD”, data_type = “INT32”,   scale=1.0,     address = [3,4]},
# ]

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.modbus.workarounds]
    ## Pause between read requests sent to the device. This might be necessary for (slow) serial devices.
    # pause_between_requests = “0ms”
    ## Close the connection after every gather cycle. Usually the plugin closes the connection after a certain
    ## idle-timeout, however, if you query a device with limited simultaneous connectivity (e.g. serial devices)
    ## from multiple instances you might want to only stay connected during gather and disconnect afterwards.
    # close_connection_after_gather = false
# Read metrics from MQTT topic(s)
  ## Broker URLs for the MQTT server or cluster.  To connect to multiple
  ## clusters or standalone servers, use a separate plugin instance.
  ##   example: servers = [“tcp://localhost:1883”]
  ##            servers = [“ssl://localhost:1883”]
  ##            servers = [“ws://localhost:1883”]
  servers = [“tcp://”]

  ## Topics that will be subscribed to.
  topics = [
    “IOModuleSlots/optoController/Device Properties/Firmware Version”,
    “IOModuleSlots/optoController/Device Properties/Part Number”

  ## The message topic will be stored in a tag specified by this value.  If set
  ## to the empty string no topic tag will be created.
  topic_tag = “topic”

  ## QoS policy for messages
  ##   0 = at most once
  ##   1 = at least once
  ##   2 = exactly once
  ## When using a QoS of 1 or 2, you should enable persistent_session to allow
  ## resuming unacknowledged messages.
  # qos = 0

  ## Connection timeout for initial connection in seconds
  # connection_timeout = “30s”

  ## Maximum messages to read from the broker that have not been written by an
  ## output.  For best throughput set based on the number of metrics within
  ## each message and the size of the output’s metric_batch_size.
  ## For example, if each message from the queue contains 10 metrics and the
  ## output metric_batch_size is 1000, setting this to 100 will ensure that a
  ## full batch is collected and the write is triggered immediately without
  ## waiting until the next flush_interval.
  # max_undelivered_messages = 1000

  ## Persistent session disables clearing of the client session on connection.
  ## In order for this option to work you must also set client_id to identify
  ## the client.  To receive messages that arrived while the client is offline,
  ## also set the qos option to 1 or 2 and don’t forget to also set the QoS when
  ## publishing.
  # persistent_session = false

  ## If unset, a random client ID will be generated.
  # client_id = “”

  ## Username and password to connect MQTT server.
  # username = “telegraf”
  # password = “metricsmetricsmetricsmetrics”

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = “/etc/telegraf/ca.pem”
  # tls_cert = “/etc/telegraf/cert.pem”
  # tls_key = “/etc/telegraf/key.pem”
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Data format to consume.
  ## Each data format has its own unique set of configuration options, read
  ## more about them here:
  ## https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/docs/DATA_FORMATS_INPUT.md
data_format = “value”
data_type = “float”







Data Format

Data Formatは今回は実数になります。




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