Omron#Sysmac Studio Installation

In this series I will use the Omron NX-CSG320 CPU to publish topics about Omron PLC. The first tutorial  – you can find the basic operation in here – How to install the engineering tools,Monitor the CPU status, Upload and Download the Project.Let’s GO!

Sysmac Studio Download

Sysmac Studio is an engineering tool that allows you to configure the Omron NX CPU.

Please access this link to Download the trial version.

Enter the personal information and download the 64-bit Version.

Choose English>OK.


Access the License and Next>.

Enter your License or use the Trial License, Next>.

Choose the Regional and Next>.



press the install button to start the installation.

Please wait a minute..

Connect to your CPU!

Start the Sysmac Studio.

Go to Online>Connect to Device.

NX-CSG320 is used in my tutorial.

  • choose “Safety Network Controller” as the Device.
  • Choose “Ethernet connection via a hub” as the Connection Type
  • Enter the CPU ip in the connection settings.

Finally click the connect button.

Please wait a minute..

The screen will auto change to Editor view.

Successfully completed message is shown.

Only CPU is upload.


Click the “from Controller” button to upload the project from controller to your PC.

Press execute.

Please wait a minute..


Successfully completed is shown if the upload operation is finished.

SL5500 is uploaded in your project also!

Setup the IP

Go to Configurations and Setup>Controller Setup> Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Setting to set up the port1/port2 ‘s ip address.

Clear Memory

And also, you can go to Controller>Clear memory to clear all memory inside your CPU.

Confirm the data and press OK.


please wait a minute..


Although I will not explain the program part in this tutorial, you can choose the safetyPLC from the Drop List.

POU,Data or Safety Task item is shown.


We can monitor the CPU by pressing the Online Mode button.


Press “to Controller” to download the project to your CPU.

Confirm the transfer data, then press Execute.



Finally you can get the diagnostic information from the Troubleshooting button.


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