PLCNEXT#Let’s Communicate with Schneider PLC using AXL SE 485!

In this article, we will combine PhoenixContact’s AXL SE RS485 with the Modbus_RTU library to set up a Modbus RTU Master to communicate with the Modbus RTU Slave in Schneider’s TM221.

Let’s get started!


This Smart Element is used as a standard I/O device with a serial interface (RS485) on a bus system.

  • Serial input/output channels in RS-485 format
  • Transmission speed can be set up to 230,400 bps
  • Configurable number of data bits, stop bits, and parity

Internal circuit diagram

Here is an internal diagram of the AXL SE RS485.


This is the Layout for the AXL SE RS485 module.


This is what the LEDs on the AXL SE RS485 module mean.

Wiring Example

With RS-485, an existing network consisting of two signal lines can be used to create a multi-device network. Devices are connected using twisted-pair, commonly shielded data cables, and terminators are attached to the data cables at both ends of the RS-485 network.

For this purpose, the termination resistors built into the Smart Element can be used via the connections R+ and R-.

It is important to note that the AXL SE RS485 supports only half-duplex transmission. Do not allow data to be transmitted from more than one device at the same time.

Smart Element as the network endpoint

Wiring example when AXL SE RS485 is used as an Endpoint device in a network.

Smart Element in the middle of a network

Wiring example when AXL SE RS485 is used as an intermediate device in a network.

Download Library

Download the Modbus RTU library from the Link below to the PLCNEXT Store.

Click the Download button.

Agree to the license and download the library.

A Zip File like this was downloaded.

Function Block/Data Types

It is impossible to describe all Function Blocks included in the library, so only the Function Block used in this article will be described.


 iState : INT;
 wDiagCode : WORD;
 wAddDiagCode : WORD;
 bControlByte0 : BYTE;
 bStatusByte0 : BYTE;




 iState : INT;
 wDiagCode : WORD;
 wAddDiagCode : WORD;
 bControlByte0 : BYTE;
 bStatusByte0 : BYTE;


 iState : INT;
 wDiagCode : WORD;
 wAddDiagCode : WORD;
 bControlByte0 : BYTE;
 bStatusByte0 : BYTE;


 iState : INT;
 wDiagCode : WORD;
 wAddDiagCode : WORD;


arrModbus2_W_1_125 : ARRAY [1..125] OF WORD;


arrModbus2_W_1_123 : ARRAY [1..123] OF WORD;




udtModbus2_Data : STRUCT
 (* Modbus handling *)
 (* Send Modbus request *)
 xSendRequest : BOOL;
 (* Indicates FC wants to send a Modbus request *)
 xNDR : BOOL; (* New modbus response received *)
 xBusy : BOOL; (* FC only operates if not busy *)
 xReset : BOOL; (* Reset from input on master FB *)
 tTimeout : TIME; (* Input tTimeout of the Modbus_Master FB*)
 (* General Modbus data *)
 uiSlaveAddress : UINT; (* Address of the Modbus slave *)
 iFunctionCode : INT; (* Function Code by the Master *)
 uiStartAddress : UINT;
 (* Starting address in the Modbus register table *)
 iSndDataCount : INT; (* Required data length from FC *)
 iExpDataCount : INT; (* Expected data length depending
 of the function code number OF bits or words *)
 uiRcvdDataCount : UINT; (* Received bytes from Serial IF
 / UINT for the range higher than 127 *)
 arrData : arrModbus2_W_1_125; (* Modbus telegram *)
 (* Failure handling (master outputs) *)
 xMasterActive : BOOL; (* Interface is ready *)
 xMasterBusy : BOOL; (* Interface is busy *)
 xMasterError : BOOL; (* Error indication *)
 wMasterDiagCode : WORD; (* Diagnostics code *)
 wMasterAddDiagCode : WORD; (* Additional diagnostics code *)
 xMB_Error : BOOL; (* Exception Code Response *)
 xFC_Busy : BOOL; (* FC catches bit IF request and not
xFC_Busy *)


This Function Block reads the Input Register from the Modbus Slave.


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActivate BOOL True=Enable FB
xSendRequest BOOL A rising signal sends a send request to the master blockThe falling signal deletes the current Modbus error and still resets the FB output.
xEnablePoll BOOL A start-up signal to start the cycle polling.
tPollIntervall TIME Transmission time interval when xEnablePoll is enabled
uiSlaveAddress UINT Specify the Slave ID to communicate with (1 to 255)
uiStartAddress UINT Specify the starting address for read with Slave
iDataCount INT Specify the number of devices to be read in Slave (1 to 2000)


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActive BOOL True=FB enabled.
xBusy BOOL True=FB is running
xDone BOOL True=Request is sent and response from the slave is successfully received
xError BOOL True=FB with error, see wDiagCode and please find wAddDiagCode for details
wDiagCode WORD FB Diagnostic Information
wAddDiagCodeWORD FB Diagnostic Information2
udtDiag MB_UDT_RTU_FC_DIAGStructure variable with internal variables for diagnostics


Variable NameTypeDescription
arrReadData arrModbus2_W_1_125The structure will contain Modbus data.
udtMBData udtModbus2_Data Interface to communicate with MB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master


This Function Block writes data to the Multiple Holding Register of Modbus.


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActivate BOOL True=Enable FB
xSendRequest BOOL A rising signal sends a send request to the master blockThe falling signal deletes the current Modbus error and still resets the FB output.
xEnablePoll BOOL A start-up signal initiates cycle polling.
tPollIntervall TIME Transmission time interval when xEnablePoll is enabled
uiSlaveAddress UINT Specifies the Slave ID to be communicated (0 to 255)
uiStartAddress UINT Specify the starting address for read with Slave
iDataCount INT Specify the number of devices to read in Slave (1-123)


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActive BOOL True=FB enabled.
xBusy BOOL True=FB is running
xDone BOOL True=Request is sent and response from the slave is successfully received
xError BOOL True=FB with error, see wDiagCode and wAddDiagCode for details
wDiagCode WORD FB Diagnostic Information
wAddDiagCodeWORD FB Diagnostic Information 2
udtDiag MB_UDT_RTU_FC_DIAGStructure variable with internal variables for diagnostics


Variable NameTypeDescription
arrReadData arrModbus2_W_1_123Array of 123 words in length, variable for writing to the Multiple Holding Register
udtMBData udtModbus2_Data Interface to communicate with MB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master


This Function Block is used to implement the Modbus Master for the specified module (AXL SE RS485 in this case).


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActivate BOOL True=Enable Function Block
tModbus_Timeout TIME Communication Timeout time between Modbus RTU and SlaveDefault=TIME#5s
tPD_TimeoutTIME Process Data communication timeout time between PLC and module (AXL SE RS485 in this case)
xReset BOOL True=Reset FB (note that the internal FC Blocks are reset as well)


Variable NameTypeDescription
xActive BOOL True=FB enabled
xBusy BOOL True=FB is running
uiRequestsCounter UINT Number of requests sent
uiResponsesCounter UINT Number of incoming requests
udtDiag  MB_UDT_AXL_SE_RS485_DIAG_MASTER Structure of diagnostic information


Variable NameTypeDescription
udtMBData udtModbus2_Data Interface for MB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master to communicate with other MB_RTU_FCXX Block
arrInputData MB2_AXL_RSUNI2_ARR_B_0_19Process Input Data for AXL SE RS485 module
arrOutputData MB2_AXL_RSUNI2_ARR_B_0_19Process Output Data of AXL SE RS485 module


Schneider Side

Modbus RTU Slave Configuration

Launch EcoStruxure Machine Expert Basic, open Configuration>SL1 and set the serial communication Port.

Serial line configuration

Set the Protocol to Modbus, and set the communication speed, etc.

Modbus Configuration

Next, we want to set up the TM221 as a Modbus Slave, so open SL1>Modbus.

Set the Tranmission Mode to RTU, select Slave for Addressing, and set the Address.


The next step is to create a verification program, a Loop-Back program that feeds back the data received from the Modbus RTU Master.


Import Library

Unzip the library you just downloaded from the PLCNEXT Store, and inside you will find a Documents and Files folder, where Documents is the library manual and Files contains the library itself and examples of its use.

The main body of the library is a PCWLX File, and the File should be duplicated to the following Path.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\PLCnext Engineer\Libraries

Start PLCNEXT Engineering and add libraries by going to COMPONENTS>Right click>Add User Library.

Open a PCWLX File that you just copied.

Done!Modbus_RTU library has been added to the project.

A Modbus_RTU Folder has also been added to Programming, which contains the PLCNEXT serial communication library.

In this case, we will use MB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master since we will be launching Modbus RTU Master from the Smart Elements RS485 module.

Add Module

Double-click Axioline F to add the AXL SE RS485 module to the project.

The Device List screen appears.

This time, since AXL SE RS485 is installed in Slot 3, click on #3 Type Field and select >AXL SE RS485.


The Data List also automatically declared the relevant variables for the AXL SE RS485 module.


The next step is to configure the module settings for AXL SE RS485.

Let’s set the communication parameters of the AXL SE RS485 to match the Modbus RTU Slave on the Schneider PLC side.

Data Types


DUT_ModbusRTU is a Data Type definition Sheet for organizing the structures used in this article.


This structure collectively defines the INPUT/OUTPUT/INOUT parameters used for the MB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master Function Block.

        xActivate            : BOOL;
        xReset               : BOOL;
        xMode                : BOOL;
        tModbus_Timeout      : TIME;
        tPD_Timeout          : TIME;
        xActive              : BOOL;
        xBusy                : BOOL;
        uiRequestsCounter    : UINT;
        uiResponsesCounter   : UINT;
        xError               : BOOL;
        udtDiag                : MB_UDT_AXL_SE_RS485_DIAG_MASTER;

This structure collectively defines the INPUT/OUTPUT/INOUT parameters used for the MB_RTU_FC16 Function Block.

        xActivate       : BOOL;
        xSendRequest    : BOOL;
        xEnablePoll     : BOOL;
        tPollInterval   : TIME;
        uiSlaveAddress  : UINT;
        uiStartAddress  : UINT;
        iDataCount      : INT;
        xActive          : BOOL;
        xBusy            : BOOL;
        xDone            : BOOL;
        xError           : BOOL;
        wDiagCode        : WORD;
        wAddDiagCode     : WORD;
        udtDiag          : MB_UDT_RTU_FC_DIAG;
        arrRegisterValues        : arrModbus2_W_1_123;

This structure collectively defines the INPUT/OUTPUT/INOUT parameters used for the MB_RTU_FC4 Function Block.

        xActivate       : BOOL;
        xSendRequest    : BOOL;
        xEnablePoll     : BOOL;
        tPollInterval   : TIME;
        uiSlaveAddress  : UINT;
        uiStartAddress  : UINT;
        iDataCount      : INT;
        xActive          : BOOL;
        xBusy            : BOOL;
        xDone            : BOOL;
        xError           : BOOL;
        wDiagCode        : WORD;
        wAddDiagCode     : WORD;
        udtDiag          : MB_UDT_RTU_FC_DIAG;
        arrRegisterValues        : arrModbus2_W_1_125;

This structure is a compilation of those defined earlier.

    DUT_MB_Modbus_RTU    : STRUCT
        iState                        : INT;
        udtMBData                    : udtModbus2_Data;
        udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master    : DUT_MB_RTU_MASTER;
        udtMB_RTU_FC16                : DUT_MB_RTU_FC16;
        udtMB_RTU_FC4                : DUT_MB_RTU_FC4;


The next step is to create a program.



Define the variables to be used this time in the Main program.

AXL_SE_RS485_MasterInstance to launch Modbus RTU Master on AXL SE RS485
RTU_MasterThe structure defined earlier, containing variables to be assigned to the parameters of the Function Block
arrInputPDProcess Input Data for AXL SE RS485 module
arrOutputPDProcess Output Data of AXL SE RS485 module
RTU_FC16Instance to issue Modbus RTU Function Code 16
RTU_FC4Instance to issue Modbus RTU Function Code 4
iCounterData of PLCNEXT side write to Schneider PLC
xRTUErrorFlag of Modbus RTU communication error occurrence
xRTUResetDevice to reset Modbus RTU program
arrRegisterValuesBuffer to store data read from the Schneider PLC
iLoopCounter for FOR Loop


Here is the program.

i16_w_Int:=i16_w_Int+1;r32_w_real:=r32_w_real+0.01;if r32_w_real>=10000.0 THEN    r32_r_Real:=0.0;end_if;

case RTU_Master.iState OF        0:        //Parameters Init            RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.tModbus_Timeout:=T#5s;            RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.tPD_Timeout:=T#2s;            xRTUError:=False;            xRTUReset:=false;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActivate:=false;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xSendRequest:=False;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActivate:=false;              RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xSendRequest:=False;            RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xActivate:=False;            if not RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xBusy THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=10;            end_if;                10:        //Startup the RS485-Master            RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xActivate:=True;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xActive THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=20;            END_IF;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xError THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=9990;            end_If;    20:        //Data Init of FC16 Command                    RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xEnablePoll:=False;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.uiSlaveAddress:=1;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.uiStartAddress:=1;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.iDataCount:=5;            if iCounter >=100 THEN                iCounter:=1;            END_IF;            iCounter:=iCounter+1;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.arrRegisterValues[1]:=TO_WORD(iCounter);            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.arrRegisterValues[2]:=TO_WORD(iCounter*10);            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.arrRegisterValues[3]:=TO_WORD(iCounter*20);            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.arrRegisterValues[4]:=TO_WORD(iCounter*30);            RTU_Master.iState:=30;    30:       //Activate the Function block of FC16            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActivate:=True;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActive THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=40;            END_IF;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xError THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=9991;            end_if;   40:        //Send the request to slave with Function Code 16            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xSendRequest:=True;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xDone THEN                RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xSendRequest:=False;                RTU_Master.iState:=45;            end_if;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xError THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=9992;            end_if;                         45:        //Data Init of FC4 Command and Reset FC16 Command             RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActivate:=False;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xEnablePoll:=False;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.uiSlaveAddress:=1;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.uiStartAddress:=11;            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.iDataCount:=5;                    RTU_Master.iState:=50;    50:        //Check if the FB is reset            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActive=False THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=60;            end_If;                    60:       //Activate the Function block of FC4            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActivate:=True;            for iLoop :=1 to 125 DO                arrRegisterValues[iLoop]:=0;            end_for;                            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActive THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=70;            END_IF;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xError THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=9993;            end_if;     70:        //Send the request to slave with Function Code 4            RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xSendRequest:=True;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xDone THEN                RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xSendRequest:=False;                RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActivate:=False;                arrRegisterValues:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.arrRegisterValues;                RTU_Master.iState:=80;                            end_if;            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xError THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=9994;            end_if;    80:        //Check if the FB is reset            if RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActive=False THEN                                RTU_Master.iState:=20;            end_If;                                9991,9992,9993,9994:        //Error            xRTUError:=True;            if xRTUReset THEN                RTU_Master.iState:=0;            end_if;    end_case;

//Function Block for smart elements    AXL_SE_RS485_Master(        xActivate:=RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xActivate        ,tModbus_Timeout:=RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.tModbus_Timeout        ,tPD_Timeout:=RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.tPD_Timeout        ,xReset:=RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xReset        ,xActive=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xActive        ,xBusy=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xBusy        ,uiRequestsCounter=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.uiRequestsCounter        ,uiResponsesCounter=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.uiResponsesCounter        ,xError=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.xError        ,udtDiag=>RTU_Master.udtMB_AXL_SE_RS485_Master.udtDiag        ,udtMbData:=RTU_Master.udtMBData        ,arrInputData:=arrInputPD        ,arrOutputData:=arrOutputPD        )        ;//Function Block of FC16    RTU_FC16(        xActivate:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActivate        ,xSendRequest:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xSendRequest        ,xEnablePoll:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xEnablePoll        ,uiSlaveAddress:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.uiSlaveAddress        ,uiStartAddress:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.uiStartAddress        ,iDataCount:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.iDataCount        ,xActive=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xActive        ,xBusy=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xBusy        ,xDone=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xDone        ,xError=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.xError        ,wDiagCode=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.wDiagCode        ,wAddDiagCode=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.wAddDiagCode        ,arrRegisterValues:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC16.arrRegisterValues        ,udtMbData:=RTU_Master.udtMBData        )        ;        //Function Block of FC4   RTU_FC4(        xActivate:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActivate        ,xSendRequest:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xSendRequest        ,xEnablePoll:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xEnablePoll        ,uiSlaveAddress:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.uiSlaveAddress        ,uiStartAddress:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.uiStartAddress        ,iDataCount:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.iDataCount        ,xActive=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xActive        ,xBusy=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xBusy        ,xDone=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xDone        ,xError=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.xError        ,wDiagCode=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.wDiagCode        ,wAddDiagCode=>RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.wAddDiagCode        ,arrReaddata:=RTU_Master.udtMB_RTU_FC4.arrRegisterValues        ,udtMbData:=RTU_Master.udtMBData        )        ;        


We have just defined IN Port and Out Port variables for arrInputPD and arrOutputPD, but we need to assign these variables to Process Data in the AXL SE RS485 module.

Open the Main program.

The GDS Port List screen of the Main program is now displayed.

IN Port

Select the IN Port field and set Axioline F>Serial-1/~DO160 in order to link the IN Port to the Process Output Data of the AXL SE RS485.


OUT Port

Select the OUT Port field and set Axioline F>Serial-1/~DO160 in order to link the OUT Port to the Process Output Data of the AXL SE RS485.



Here is the actual program structure.


Done!The program is running without errors.

Monitors RTU_Master structure variables.

The Request Counter and the Response Counter are also added, indicating that they are communicating with Slave.

Schneider TM221 received the data Loop Backed by TM221.

Likewise, we were able to receive PLCNEXT data from Schneider TM221.

You can actually check the LED status of the AXL SE RS485 when it is working properly from this video.


You can download the project from this link.


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