Codesys#Set up Profinet IOController in Raspberry

In this Tutorial, I will explain how to configure the Profinet Controller in the raspberry pi with Codesys Runtime.

PI4 Setting

You can get more information in the Online Help.;product=core_ProfinetIO_Configuration_Editor;version=


Open and Add the below codes into the .cfg file.




Set the Static Ip as

interface eth0 static ip_address=

Install the Vlan

sudo apt-get install vlan  # Install VLAN package
sudo modprobe 8021q        # Load 8021q kernel module

And then restart your Raspberry.

Codesys Side

Open your Codesys Runtime, Device>Add Devices.

Choose ProfinetIO>ProfinetIO Master and Add Devices.

Right Click the PN_Controller that you inserted in the previous step, Add Devices.

All the Profinet IO Devices that you installed in your PC are shown.

Please choose the Device that is connected in your Network. 

Now we need to configure the ProfineIO Controller.

Go to Device>Send Echo Service to check the connection between your PC and Raspberry.

The connection is normal if the screen below is displayed.

Click the Ethernet and Go to General>Network interface, Click the .. Button.

You need to choose the Network interface for the Profinet IO Controller.

In this case, we will use eth0.

And then we need to define the IP address range of the Profinet Devices.

In this tutorial we will configure the range from 100-254.

Finally Please Login the project to your Runtime and restart it.


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