In this tutorial I will explain the variable that is defined inside VAR_STAT.
VAR_STAT is an object that extends from IEC61131-3 , and the Variables that are defined inside, are shared the same memory.
AS we know, Function blocks have their own instance and these instances ‘ memory are separate.But – the Variables that are defined inside VAR_STAT, are sharing the same variables from all multiple instances.
Let’s see some examples.
Let’s add a Function Block.
We named it as FB_TEST.
Add the VAR_STAT statement, and define a variable named _iCounter.
And then insert a method in the Function Block.
We can implement some sample code to test these VAR_STAT features.
This method will +1 while called.
And inside the method , it receives one input and the _iCounter is increased 1 while the value of bAdd1 is True.
Now we defined 6 instances of FB_TEST, but only the first one will execute the Method with +1.
After we downloaded the program, the actual value of _iCounter is 0.
Can you see the icon of _iCounter has a little “s” letter.?
It means _iCounter is a VAR_STAT variable.
While we call the Meth_add() with Ture, the value of _iCounter inside all instance are changed to 1.It means that all multiple instance are sharing the same variable.
But I still do not know how to use it in real-applications..
Please follow the link the download the sample code.
TwinCAT3/TwinCAT Project Example VAR_STAT.tnzip at main · soup01Threes/TwinCAT3 (