Fuzzy Studio?
Fuzzy Studio allows anyone to layout, test, and reconfigure a robot’s workcell, designing, simulating, and modifying the entire robotic process in just a few clicks. By checking for reachability, collisions, and cycle times, simulation makes it easy to improve your project and put your robot investment at risk.

Fuzzy Studio’s intelligent trajectory generation tools allow you to automatically generate complex trajectories for your process directly from the 3D parts in your scene, and make what could take hours of work from CAD or 3D models a snap with just a few clicks. Trajectories can also be exported for use with robot controllers and PLCs.

Fuzzy Studio has a growing library of interactive 3D robot models from leading brands of industrial robot manufacturers (ABB, KUKA, UR, FANUC, YASKAWA, Staübli) and is constantly adding new models and working closely with partners to meet their exacting specifications and develop the most accurate and up-to-date models.

Fuzzy Studio’s Configurator allows for easy configuration of software I/O (input/output). This allows the robot to communicate with various elements of the work cell. It can be used to send and receive information to and from external devices such as sensors, actuators, PLCs, and other software. Once configured, the I/Os can be used during the execution of the trajectory to send and receive information in real time.

Request License
Please request the license from Fuzzy Logic ‘s website.

You can receive an email from Fuzzy Logic.Please click the set password link.

Enter your email address and press “Get new password”.

Configure a new password to finish the registration.

Now we can login to our Dashboard.You can download the installation file and Manage your License from this dashboard.

Now you can download the setup file by My Account>License.

You can just click the Download button to download the installation file and you need the License Key for using Fuzzy Studio.

Just a second..

Please double click the Setup file to start your installation.


Agree the license and next.


Start your installation.

just a second.


Play with it!
Great! Let’s launch the Fuzzy studio!

Enter your License.

Done!Your license is activated!

New Project
Press “NEW PROJECT” to create a new project.

Your new Fuzzy Studio Project is created.

Add your Robot
Add>Robot to add a robot into your project.

Fuzzy Studio is supported by major robot brands such as ABB, KUKA, and FANUC.

Let’s Import UR3e by double clicking on UR3e.

just a second.

Done!UR3e is imported in your project.

Finally I will show you how easy it is to use Fuzzy Studio.
Move the View
Moving the Mouse while holding down the middle button of the Mouse allows you to move the direction of the screen.

Zoom the View
Moving the Mouse while holding down the right button on the Mouse allows you to zoom in and out of the screen.

Rotate the View
Moving the Mouse while holding down the left button of the Mouse allows the screen to rotate.

Move the Robot
Finally, the robot itself can be moved along the TCP by pressing the TCP coordinate ICON on the tip of the robot.