Project#Pilz CPU x Omron NX CPU with Modbus TCP Connection

In this article, I set up a Modbus TCP/IP Server on a Pilz CPU and program a Modbus TCP Client from an Omron NX CPU to access it.

Let’s start!


This article was made possible thanks to Omron Corporation and Pilz Japan. for lending us their equipment. Thank you very much.


As a leading automation company, OMRON Corporation develops a wide range of businesses, including control equipment mainly for factory automation, electronic components, social systems such as automatic ticket gates at railway stations and power conditioners for solar power generation, and healthcare, and provides products and services in some 120 countries and regions. The company provides products and services in some 120 countries and regions.

This is the website of OMRON Corporation.


PILZ supports FA sites as a total solution supplier with solutions in safety and automation technology, guaranteeing the safety of people as well as machines and the environment, and how safely machines and equipment can be operated. PILZ has 42 subsidiaries and branches worldwide and is active in various sectors such as packaging, the automotive industry, robotic applications, as well as wind power and railway technology.





いちご新横浜ビル 4階



IP Connections?

In the PSS4000 system, IP connections allow communication between the CPU and third-party devices via Modbus TCP/Raw TCP/Raw UDP; from the perspective of the PSS4000 system, these connections are all external communications.

Max Number of IP connections?

The maximum number of IP Connections on a PSS4000 system can be set from the tool, but cannot exceed 32. However, SafetyNet p Connections are not managed by IP Connections, so the number of Connections is not calculated.

IP Connections Name?

Always ensure that the names of the IP Connections in the project do not duplicate.

Local Port Number?

Make sure that the Local Port (CPU itself) used by IP Connections in the project is also not duplicated: on a CPU, one Port and one IP Connection is a one-to-one relationship and when using Raw TCP/UDP, the relevant Port is already occupied by another Services, so make sure that the relevant Port has already been occupied by another Services. (And the Port numbers available for Raw TCP/UDP Services range from 1024 to 5000, and for UDP from 49152 to 65535.)

Modbus TCP 

Data Area(Server)

This is the Data Area of the PSS4000 System Modbus TCP Server Side. Note that the PSS4000 starts from 0, but some manufacturers start from 1.

Data AreaModbus SynataxR/WRangeExample
Coils(Bit)0x[xxxxx]Read/Write capable0x00000 to 0x65535.0x01234
Discrete Inputs(Bit)1x[xxxxx]Read only0x00000 to 0x65535.1×5123
Input Register(Word 16 bit)3x[xxxxx]Read only0x00000 to 0x65535.3×0111
Holding Register(Word 16 bit)4x[xxxxx]Read/Write capable0x00000 to 0x65535.4×1234

Function Codes

This is the Function Code used when accessing Modbus TCP Server data on the Client side PSS4000.

Data AreaData LengthFC(Writing From Client)FC (Reading From Client)
0x[xxxxx] Coils=1BitFC=05(Write Single Coil)FC=01(Read Coil,Range:1-2000)
0x[xxxxx] Coils>1BitFC=15(Write Multiple Coils,1-1968)FC=01(Read Coil,Range:1-2000)
1x[xxxxx]Discrete Input>=1BitFC=02(Read Discrete Input,Range:1-2000)
3x[xxxxx]Read Input Register>=1WordFC=04(Read Input RegisterRange:1-125)
4x[xxxxx]Read Holding Register=1WordFC=06(Write Single RegisterRange:1-123)FC=03(Read Holding RegisterRange:1-125)
4x[xxxxx]Read Holding Register>1 WordFC=16(Write Multiple RegisterRange:1-123)FC=03(Read Holding RegisterRange:1-125)

Reference Link


Pilz Side

Start the PAS4000 and click on IP Connections from Hardware Configuration.

The Connections settings screen is displayed.

New Modbus/TCP Server

Click on “New Modbus/TCP Server” to build a new Modbus/TCP Server from the Pilz CPU.

Done!The Sever is created and the Register configuration screen is visible.


Network Settings

Connection name

The name of its IP Connections.

Local Port Number

Range:1-65535, Default is 502 When building the Modbus TCP Client, match this Port number.

Remote IP address

Default is Modbus TCP Client IPs that can be connected. means that all IPs can also be connected.

Remote Port number

Range: 0-65535, Default is 0. The Modbus TCP Client Port numbers that can be connected to; if 0, all ports can also be connected.

Keep alive settings

Enable keep alive

Check=Keep Alive.

Keep alive time[ms]

Maximum Keep Alive time when there is no data Traffic between Server and Client.

Keep alive interval[ms]

Maximum Keep Alive message latency between Server and Client.

Connecton timeout

The PSS4000 system can detect a Timeout if no response is received from the Client within the Monitor time. The calculation is: Timeout=(Number of Connection cycles)*(Connection cycle time)

Enable Connection Timeout

Check to monitor Timeout.

Connection Cycle

Number of Connection cycles for Timeout detection.

Server Allocation Table

The size and Start Address of each Allocation of the PSS4000 system can be set.


ModbusCoil00_Read AT %i*:ARRAY[0..99]OF BOOL;
ModbusCoil00_Write AT %Q*:ARRAY[0..99]OF BOOL;
ModbusCoil01_Write AT %Q*:ARRAY[0..99]OF BOOL;
ModbusRegister03_Write AT %Q*:ARRAY[0..99]OF WORD;
ModbusRegister04_Write AT %Q*:ARRAY[0..99]OF WORD;
ModbusRegister04_Read AT %I*:ARRAY[0..99]OF WORD;

//Read Coils Function Code01

//Read Discrete Inputs Code02

//Write Multiple Coils Code15


//Read Input Register Code04

//Read Holding Register Code 03



After programme preparation, the next step is I/O Mapping.

You should see the respective Register of Modbus TCP Server in IP Connections.

Make sure that you do not make a mistake Mapping.

Omron Side

This is the Sysmac Studio Version that I use.


The following section introduces the variables required when using Ethernet communication with the Omron NX CPU.


Variable NameTypeDescription
_EIP_EthOnlineStaBOOLTrue=NX The Ethernet/IP Port with built-in CPU becomes available.
_EIP1_EthOnlineStaBOOLTrue=NX CPU built-in Ethernet/IP Port1 available.
_EIP2_EthOnlineStaBOOLTrue=NX CPU built-in Ethernet/IP Port2 available.
_EIPIn1_EthOnlineStaBOOLTrue=NY CPU built-in Ethernet/IP Port1 available.


Variable NameTypeDescription
HandleUDINT0=Close the TCP connection
SrcAdr_sSOCKET_ADDRESSLocal IP and Port number of the NX CPU
DstAdr_sSOCKET_ADDRESSRemote Server IP and Port number
Variable NameTypeDescription
PortNoUINTPort number
IpAdrStringIP address


Enum NameRangeData Type
_MDB_READ_COILSRead Outputs(Bit,1-2000)Bool/Bool Array
_MDB_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTSRead Inputs(Bit,1-2000)Bool/Bool Array
_MDB_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERSRead Holding Register(Word,1-125)Word/Word Array
_MDB__READ_INPUT_REGISTERSRead Input Register(Word,1-125)Word/Word Array
_MDB_WRITE_SINGLE_COILWrite Single Coils(Bit,1)Bool/Bool Array
_MDB_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTERWrite Holding Register(Word,1)Word/Word Array
_MDB_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILSWrite multiple outputs (Bit,1968)Bool/Bool Array
_MDB_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERSWrite multiple holding registers (Word,123)Word/Word Array

Function Block


This Function Block can be used to send a connection request from the Omron CPU to the Remote Server. If the connection is successful, Done=True.

Variable NameTypeDescription
SrcTcpPortBoolSpecifies the Port of the Local (Omron CPU).0=Automatically uses any available Port above 1024.Default=0.0=Automatically uses any available Port above 1024.0=Automatically uses any available Port above 1024.
DstAdrStringYou can specify the Remote Server’s IP address in a string of up to 200 Bytes.
DstTcpPortUINTRemote Server connection Port number (from 1-65535)
Variable NameTypeDescription
DoneBoolSuccessful FB execution
BusyBoolFB running
ErrorBoolFB has errors.
ErrorIDWORDFB error information.
Socket_sSOCKETSocket Variables


You can use this Function Block to disconnect the Socket connection between the NX CPU and Remote Server. If the execution is successful, Done=True.

Variable NameTypeDescription
ExecuteBoolExecute with Edge UP Signal
SocketSocketSocket variables retrieved from SktTCPConnect.
Variable NameTypeDescription
DoneBoolSuccessful FB execution
BusyBoolFB running
ErrorBoolFB has errors.
ErrorIDWORDFB error information.


The Function Block here can be used to set Socket communication Options.

Done=FB execution succeeded, Error=FB execution with errors.

Variable NameTypeDescription
ExecuteBoolExecute with Edge UP Signal
SocketSocketSocket variables retrieved from SktTCPConnect.
OptionType_sSKT_OPTION_TYPESocketのOption Type
OptionParamBOOLTrue=NO Delay is enabled.(Disable Nagle algorithm)
Variable NameTypeDescription
DoneBoolSuccessful FB execution
BusyBoolFB running
ErrorBoolFB has errors.
ErrorIDWORDFB error information.


This Function Block can be used to send “Read” commands from an established Connection to the Remote Modbus TCP Server.The data size read is stored in the “ReadSize” parameter and the data read is stored in the parameter assigned to ReadDat. (If an error occurs, ReadDat and ReadSize will remain unknown, so it is advisable to reset these parameters before executing the corresponding FB).


Variable NameTypeDescription
ExecuteBoolExecute with Edge UP Signal
SocketSocketSocket variables retrieved from SktTCPConnect.
UnitIdentifierUSINTUnit ID Default=255
ReadCmd_sMODBUS_READModbus Function Code, Size, Start Address
TimeOutTimeSet Timeout time (in increments of 0.1 s), Default=2s (20).
Variable NameTypeDescription
DoneBoolSuccessful FB execution
BusyBoolFB running
ErrorBoolFB has errors.
ErrorIDWORDFB error information.
ErrorIDExDWORDFB error information 2.
ReadSizeUINTTotal size read.For Bit, 1-2000 (calculated in Bit units)For Word, 1-125 (calculated in Word units).
Variable NameTypeDescription
ReadDatANYData read Register from Modbus TCP Server.


こちらのFunction Blockを使用すると確立されたConnectionから”Write”コマンドをRemote Modbus TCP Serverに送信することができます。書き込むデータサイズは”WriteDat”パラメータに格納され、書き込むデータはWriteDatに割り付けられた変数から転送されます。

Variable NameTypeDescription
ExecuteBoolExecute with Edge UP Signal
SocketSocketSocket variables retrieved from SktTCPConnect.
UnitIdentifierUSINTUnit ID Default=255
WriteCmd_sMODBUS_WRITEModbus Function Code, Size, Start Address
TimeOutTimeSet Timeout time (in increments of 0.1 s), Default=2s (20).
Variable NameTypeDescription
DoneBoolSuccessful FB execution
BusyBoolFB running
ErrorBoolFB has errors.
ErrorIDWORDFB error information.
ErrorIDExDWORDFB error information 2.
Variable NameTypeDescription
WriteDatANYData to write Register to Modbus TCP Server.



This function can be used to transfer data between array variables. The Data Type of the source and destination can be mismatched.

Variable NameTypeDescription
InBoolData From
Variable NameTypeDescription
OutBoolAlways ON
Variable NameTypeDescription
AryOutANYData To


This function is used to initialize InOut variables. If the relevant variable has been set to an initial value, it will be returned to the initial value, otherwise it will be set to the Default initial value.

Default Initial Value

The following are the Default initial values for each data type.

Variable NameTypeDescription
InOutANYVariables to be initialized
Variable NameTypeDescription
OutBoolAlwaysON Output


Function to convert DINT variables to Enum variables.

Variable NameTypeDescription
Variable NameTypeDescription
InOutEnumEnum variable


Configure the built-in Ethernet/IP Port settings of the NX CPU.

Go to Configuration and Setup>Controller Setup>Build-in Ethernet/IP Port Settings.

Set the IP address of the Port to be used.


This structure is defined collectively with the Flag of Socket FB and Modbus TCP FB.


Here is the Programme flow.


_SktTCPConnectSktTCPConnectInstances of SktTCPConnect
_SktTCPCloseSktCloseInstances of SktClose
bExecuteBOOLExecute SktTCPConnect FB
bCloseBOOLExecute SktClose FB
Socket_sSOCKETSocket Variable
_ModbusTCPReadModbusTCPReadInstance of ModbusTCPRead
ModbusReadDatARRAY[0..99] OF wordRead Buffer (Word) used in ModbusTCPRead FB
ModbusWriteDatARRAY[0..99] OF wordWrite Buffer used in ModbusTCPWrite FB
ModbusReadDataCoilARRAY[0..99] OF boolRead Buffer (Coil) used in ModbusTCPRead FB
ModbusWrite_16ARRAY[0..99] OF wordWord array used in FC16
ModbusRead_03ARRAY[0..99] OF wordWord sequences used in FC3
ModbusRead_04ARRAY[0..99] OF wordWord sequences used in FC4
ModbusRead_01ARRAY[0..99] OF boolBool array used in FC1
ModbusRead_02ARRAY[0..99] OF boolBool array used in FC2
ModbusWrite_15ARRAY[0..99] OF boolBool array used in FC15
ReadCmd_sMODBUS_READModbusTCPRead commands (size, FC, etc.)  
bReadsARRAY[0..15] OF boolPerform ModbusTCPRead.
bWritesARRAY[0..15] OF boolExecute ModbusTCPWrite
R_TRIG1R_TRIGInstance of startup detection
ModbusTCPReadStatusDUT_ModbusTCPReadStatusStatus of ModbusTCPRead(Word)FB
ModbusTCPReadCoilStatusDUT_ModbusTCPReadStatusStatus of ModbusTCPRead(Coil)FB
SktBasicStatusDUT_srtBasicStatus of SktTCPConnect FB
SktCloseStatusDUT_srtBasicStatus of SktClose FB
_SktSetOptionSktSetOptionInstance of SktSetOption FB
SktSetOptionStatusDUT_srtBasicSetting Options of SktSetOption
bSetOptionsBOOLExecute SktSetOption FB
TONsARRAY[0..15] OF ton
_ModbusTCPWriteRegisterModbusTCPWriteInstance of ModbusTCPWrite FB
WriteCmd_sMODBUS_WRITEModbusTCPWrite commands (size, FC, etc.)
ModbusTCPWriteRegisterStatusDUT_ModbusTCPReadStatusStatus of ModbusTCPWrite(Word)
ModbusWriteDatCoilsARRAY[0..99] OF boolBool array used in ModbusTCPWrite
_ModbusTCPWriteCoilsModbusTCPWriteInstance (Coils)of ModbusTCPWrite FB)
ModbusTCPWriteCoilsStatusDUT_ModbusTCPReadStatusStatus of ModbusTCPWrite(Coil)FB


  • Rung0 waits for bStart to start up, and if bStart and the EIP Port are currently available, the Clk of R_TRIG1 is triggered.
  • Rung1 will be iStep=1 when Start is triggered.
  • Rung2 is a Dummy circuit made to easily display Comment List.
  • Rung3 executes SktTCPConnect Function Block with bExecute set to True if iStep=1, iStep=5 for successful execution if Done is True, and iStep=9000 for execution failure if Error is True.
  • For Rung4, if iStep=5, bSetOptions will be True, SktSetOptions Function Block will be executed, if Done is True, iStep=10 for successful execution, and if Error is True, iStep=9000 for failed execution.
  • Rung5 has iStep=10, it means that  the NX CPU and Remote Server are successfully connected.Clear Buffer and set iStep to 15 before sending to ModbusTCP Server.
  • Rung6 transfers the settings to ReadCmd to get Modbus Function Code3, Register 0 to 100, at the same time we will set True to bRead[0] which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPRead. If Done=True, it means that FB execution was successful, iStep=20 is reached. If Error=True, i.e., there was an error in FB execution, iStep=9001 is reached.
  • Rung7 clears Buffer in preparation for the next ModbusRead and sets iStep to 25 after a 0.1s Delay.
  • Rung8 transfers the settings to ReadCmd to get Modbus Function Code4, Register 0 to the same time bRead[1] which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPRead to True. If Done=True, i.e. FB execution was successful, iStep=30 will be set. If Error=True, i.e. there was an error in FB execution, iStep=9006 will be set.
  • Rung9 clears Buffer in preparation for the next ModbusRead and sets iStep to 35 after a 0.1s Delay.
  • Rung10 transfers the settings to ReadCmd to get Modbus Function Code1, Coil 0 to 100.At the same time bRead[2] is True, which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPRead. If Done=True, i.e. FB execution was successful, iStep=40 will be set. If Error=True, i.e. there was an error in FB execution, iStep=9006 will be set.
  • Rung11 clears Buffer in preparation for the next ModbusRead and sets iStep to 45 after a 0.1s Delay.
  • Rung12 transfers the settings to ReadCmd to get Modbus Function Code2, Coil 0 to 100, at the same time bRead[3], which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPRead, is True. If Done=True, i.e. FB execution was successful, iStep=50 will be set. If Error=True, i.e. there was an error in FB execution, iStep=9006 will be set.
  • Rung13 transfers the settings to WriteCmd to write Modbus Function Code 16, Register 0 to 100, at the same time bWrite[0], which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPWrite, is True. If Done=True, i.e., FB execution was successful, then iStep=60; if Error=True, i.e., there was an error in FB execution, then iStep=9006.
  • Rung14 transfers the settings to WriteCmd to write Modbus Function Code15, Coil 0 to 100, at the same time as bWrite[0], which triggers the Function Block of ModbusTCPWrite, is True. If Done=True, i.e. FB execution was successful, then iStep=400, if Error=True, i.e. there was an error in FB execution, then iStep=9006.
  • Run15 sets iStep=400 and disconnects the Remote Server; if Done=True, the execution succeeds and iStep=0; if Error, the execution fails and iStep=9002.
  • Rung16 is a Dummy circuit made to easily display the Comment List.
  • Rung17 calls the Function Block of SktTCPConnect.
  • Rung18 calls the Function Block of SktSetOptions.
Rung 19-20
  • Rung19 calls the Function Block of ModbusTCPRead (for Register).
  • Rung20 calls the Function Block for ModbusTCPRead (for Coils).
  • Rung21 calls the Function Block of ModbusTCPWrite (for Register).
  • Rung22 calls the Function Block for ModbusTCPWrite (for Coils).
  • Rung23 calls Function Block for SktClose.


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