FANUC#ROBOGUIDE001_Let’s Start to Create a New Project!


RoboGuide is one of Fanuc Robot offline simulation tools, And you can find lots of software packages that can help you to configure the Work-cells with robots in a virtual environment.

Of course, it is not just “One” robots but more.

Please access the follow link to get more information:

Create New Project

In my First post, I will explain how to create new projects, and then explain how to insert the Tools,Fixture,Parts and Etc.

Please start your ROBOGUIDE software.

Create New Cell

File> New Cell to create a new work cell.

Workcell Creation Wizard

RoboGuide will start a Workcell creation Wizard to assist you to configure your work cell.

Process Selection

In the Step1, you need to choose the Process selection. I will choose HandlingPRO.

WorkCell Name

Insert your Workcell name and press Next.

please be careful that you can only configure your workcell name in this step.

If you want to delete the workcell,DeleteItem is recommended.

Robot Creation Method

Just Click Next.

Robot Software Version

Choose the Robot Software Version.I will use V9.40 in here.

Robot Application/Tool

you can choose the Tools that are installed in your robot.

By the way, inserting the tools later is possible.

I will choose the Default Tools and Press Next.

Group 1 Robot Model

Choose the Robot Model.

I will use the H721 R-2000/C/165F.

Click it and Press next>.

Additional Motion Groups

This time we will not use any additional motion groups, just put Next>.

Robot Options

This is a quite important step to import which options that you want to use in the controller.

The concept in FANUC is – you can try all functions in RoboGuide, and then buy it while you use it.

This time I will use R809 Motion can use filter function to find the options quickly.

FANUCのHome pageによります、このMotion Packageは一番標準、よく使われるMotionオプションが入っています。Reference to the FANUC home page, this package is a very standard package and includes all the basic features that we will use.

  • Collision Guard
  • Constant Path
  • ADV-CP Speed Control
  • ADV-CP Path Control
  • Singularity Avoidance
  • Motion Interface

The Motion Package includes the most popular and most widely used motion options. It includes: Collision Guard, Constant Path, ADV-CP Speed Control, ADV-CP Path Control, Singularity Avoidance, and Motion Interface options in a single package


And then Choose your Language.

Sure English is my choice.


After you press the Next>, you can see the virtual controller is started. It need some time.

THis Roboguide software basically is same as the real robot and teaching tablet. It means – what you have done in this software , you can directly download to the controller without any edit.


Configuration! You created your project.



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