What is TF6701?
In this tutorial I will explain how to use Beckhoff TF6701 to publish the message toBroker.
We can use this to connect to AWS,Google ,Azure also.
Please download the manual from the below link:
System Requirement
And also, you do not need any additional installation of TF6701.
This time, I will use TF6701 only.Let’s explain TF6720 in the future :)!。
Let me explain AWS IOT Core. It is a platform that comes from Amazon, we can use this platform to connect all our devices to the internet. In TwinCAT , we can use TF6701 to save our life and take the configuration to be easy.
Build the AWS IOT Core
Please reference the following post to get more information about how to build the AWS IOT Core platform.
Siemens#Using CC712 to Connect your S7-1500 to AWS IOT Core | (soup01.com)
Function Block
The FB_IotMqttClient Function block is used to connect to AWS Iot Core.
By using this Function block of tF6701, we can easily connect the Runtime variables to Local/Cloud MQTT Broker.
sClientId | STRING(255) | Reference to the name of “Things” in AWS IOT Core. |
sHostName | STRING(255) | The URL of Broker.Reference to the “EndPoint” of AWS IOT Core. |
nHostPort | UINT | Default=1883. If TLS is used, please change to 8883. |
sTopicPrefix | STRING(255) | The command that you want to insert automatically. |
nKeepAlive | UINT | Watchdog Time(s) |
sUserName | STRING(255) | Username while login to the Broker(Option) |
sUserPassword | STRING(255) | Password while login to the Broker(Option) |
stWill | ST_IotMqttWill | The message while connection is failed. |
stTLS | ST_IotMqttTls | if TLS-secured connection is used, you need to set these parameters. |
ipMessageFiFo | I_IotMqttMessageFiFo | FB_IotMqttMessageQueue instance |
You can set the Qos,Payload in this DUT.
sTopic | STRING(255) | Message Topic |
pPayload | PVOID | The Memory address of the Payload |
nPayloadSize | UDINT | The size of the Payload |
eQoS | TcIotMqttQos | Qos(Quality of Service) |
bRetain | BOOL | 1=take sequence |
The DUT of TLS security settings.
You can useCA(certificate authority) or PSK(PreSharedKey) .
sCA | STRING(255) | The path of certificate authority (CA) |
sCert | STRING(255) | The path of Client certificate |
sKeyFile | STRING(255) | The path of Client Private Key Path |
sKeyPwd | STRING(255) | The password of the Private Key |
sCrl | STRING(255) | The path of certificate revocation list |
sCiphers | STRING(255) | |
sVersion | STRING(80) | TLS version。‘tlsv1’・ ‘tlsv1.1’・‘tlsv1.2’・‘tlsv1.3’ |
bNoServerCertCheck | BOOL | Check the Server certification is valid or not |
sPskIdentity | STRING(255) | TLS PSK PreSharedKey identity |
aPskKey | ARRAY[1..64] OF BYTE | TLS PSK Psk Key |
nPskKeyLen | USINT | The size of Psk key |
sAzureSas | STRING(511) | Only used in Microsoft Azure IoT Hub |
bError | BOOL | 1=FB is error |
hrErrorCode | PVOID | ErrorCode |
eConnectionState | ETcIotMqttClientState | Current Status |
bConnected | BOOL | Broker connection is established or not |
You need to call this Method cyclically .
bConnect | BOOL | 1=Connect to Broker |
MQTT BrokerにPublish動作するMethodです。
sTopic | STRING | The Pushlish Topic |
pPayload | PVOID | The memory address of payload |
nPayloadSize | UDINT | The size of the payload |
eQoS | TcIotMqttQos | Qos |
bRetain | BOOL | |
bQueue | BOOL | Spare |
Publish | BOOL | 1=Publish completed |
Sorry I will explain it in my next post.
Sorry I will explain it in my next post.
sTopic | STRING | The topic that you want to Unsubscription |
Unsubscribe | BOOL | 1=Unsubscribe is completed. |
Method for backoff.Not used in this post.
Method for backoff.Not used in this post.
Now I will explain how to implement it,
Insert Library
References>Add library.]
Search Tc3_IotBase and Import it.
And also import the Tc2_Utilities library.
Now is the time to create the program.The flow is very simple – set all the connection parameters(certificate,Private Key,Endpoint, port and Client id), then call the Function Block to establish a connection to AWS IOT CORE. Finally publish the message.
VAR MqttClient :FB_IotMqttClient; bPublish :BOOL:=FALSE; sTopicEmail :STRING(255) := ‘TwinCAT/TF6701/Devices1’; bSend :BOOL; sPayloadEmail :STRING(255) := ‘{“default”: “Hello from TwinCAT”,”message”: “Hello from TwinCAT”}’; bConnect :BOOL; bsetPars :BOOL; icoun :INT; MessageQueue :FB_IotMqttMessageQueue; END_VAR |
MqttClient.nHostPortis the Endpoint URL ofAWS IOT Core.
MqttClient.nHostPort – we care usingMQTT TLS Secure,please set it to 8883.
MqttClient.sClientId – the Name of your “Things” inAWS IOT Core.
sCert and sKeyFileis are the files that you download while ”Things” is created.
IF bsetPars THEN MqttClient.stTLS.sCA:=’c:\Cert\aws\AmazonRootCA1.pem’; MqttClient.stTLS.sCert:=’c:\Cert\aws\ccf8d8b84f-certificate.pem.crt’; MqttClient.stTLS.sKeyFile:=’c:\Cert\aws\ccf8d8b84f-private.pem.key’; MqttClient.sHostName:=’a30hlb7uyo754j-ats.iot.us-east-2.amazonaws.com’; MqttClient.nHostPort:=8883; MqttClient.sClientId:=’mythings’; MqttClient.ipMessageQueue:=MessageQueue; MqttClient.sTopicPrefix:= ”; END_IF; MqttClient.Execute(bConnect:=bConnect); IF MqttClient.bConnected THEN icoun:=icoun+1; END_IF IF bPublish THEN MqttClient.Publish( sTopic:= sTopicEmail ,pPayload:= ADR(sPayloadEmail) ,nPayloadSize:=LEN2(ADR(sPayloadEmail)) ,eQoS:= TcIotMqttQos.AtMostOnceDelivery ,bRetain:= FALSE ,bQueue:= FALSE); bPublish:=False; END_IF |
open the AWS IOT Core Console, go to Test> Subscribe.
Enter the Topic name that you published.
In my case ,the name is TwinCAT/TF6701/Devices1.
Let’s Turn on the bPublish.
You can see the Message that was published from TwinCAT!
Sample Project
If Error MQTT_ERR_TLS_CA_NOFOUND is output , please check your path of certification again.
Also, before the connection is established, the status always shows とMQTT_ERR_NOMEM.