I am very grateful that I have received so much support various companies this year. This is a small way of saying thank you.

Thank you for all your help this year. I would like to thank yo for lending us a lot of equipment. I also learned a lot about EtherCAT and TwinCAT from Beckhoff UK and Beckhoff US, and the TwinCAT community is very strong, and I will continue to do my best to contribute to it. Beckhoff also explained a lot about Xplanar, ROS, ATRO, Simulink, XTS, Vision, etc. from Japan during iRex2023.
Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you next year!
Phoenix Contact
Phoenix Contact has done a great job this year! They were always willing to listen to my requests, and they were always ready to lend me the latest devices and various limited licenses without any complaints.
For example, Safety PLC SPLC1000, Safety IO-Link and other valuable devices. They also kindly introduced us to the latest Phoenix Contact solutions at the Oven Networking Exhibition and iRex20203.
Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you again next year!
There are no people in the Japanese Factory Automation who do not know about Pilz. Pilz, the safety experts, have lent us their new PDP67 IP67 Profisafe safety IO module again this year. I believe that module will power your safety applications.
Also this year, Pilz gave me a tour of their office in Yokohama! The safety experts gave us a lot of safety insights and future developments in Japan.
Thank you again for your hard work this year! I look forward to working with you again next year!
OMRON is one of Japan’s FA Big game player. Thanks to OMRON for lending us expensive devices such as the NXCPU and SL5700 this year, we were able to publish a variety of articles.
Sysmac Studio is the only tool in Japan that has well-defined variable programs and ST and ladder that conform to international standards. Also, OMRON is probably the only domestic PLC that has the OPC UA Server function that can connect to a host, MQTT library, Fieldbus EtherCAT, Etherent/IP, etc.
Thank you again this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
WAGO, thank you so much for your hard work this year, and I am so sorry that I could not purchase the CC100 Start kit even though it is finally available in Japan due to personal reasons. However, I was always very happy to have a chance to collect information and communicate with you and your staff, and I was also very happy to visit your office. Also, thank you so much for always allowing me to borrow your equipment without my permission.
I could not write many articles this year, but I hope to see you again next year!
This year, I had a chance to connect with FESTO, a global leader in pneumatic technology.I am an amateur when it comes to pneumatics, but FESTO did not mind lending me various devices and giving me a tour of their application demo room and various explanations. Thank you very much. Please come visit us at FESTO’s headquarters in Yokohama, where we have not only the world’s first pneumatic robot but also various interesting demos!
We look forward to seeing you again next year!
JTEKT went out with us for the first time this year. It all started when a JTEKT representative carefully explained JTEKT’s PLCs and Servo drives to me during a lively discussion about JTEKT’s PLCs in POST in X. After that, I did some research on JTEKT’s website myself and asked for a loaner of the equipment on a no-go basis. And no way, I got a reply that Servo motors and board PLCs are OK to borrow, and I can do the article.
Please take care of us from now on! Thank you so much!
OPTO22 is an American company, and I had been curious about the Groov EPIC CPU made by this company for a long time on LinkedIN. I tweeted about it on LinkedIN, and a representative from OPTO22 told me that I could visit Asahi Electronics in Japan, and he made various arrangements to let me visit that.
Groov EPIC is a compact controller with Linux Basic and Codesys support, built-in OPC UA Server, MQTT function, and support for OT and IT.
After that, I went to the office of Asahi Electronics for a tour and explanation of their OPTO22 division, and was able to borrow a demonstration unit of Groov EPIC from Asahi Electronics! Thank you very much for dealing with me even though I am such a Private person.
Visual Components
Visual Components is a powerful simulation platform and solution that allows anyone to design, simulate, and review with clients on the fly in simple steps. It includes the ability to import over 2600 off-the-shelf 3D models or your own custom CAD data to build Layouts.
With its simple and clear tools, you can define the process flow, program the robot using only Mouse, and finally, you can actually examine the Layout you designed and check the simulation behavior of components and processes. Finally, you can examine your Layout design in a simulation and check the simulation behavior of components and processes.
This expensive Solution was Trial licensed twice by a Visual Components representative. The latest OLP Version was also introduced to me by the Visual Components headquarters at iRex2023. I never thought that all Robot trajectory generation and Simulation would be done with just Click and Keyboard input.
Thank you again this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
ctrlX is not well known in Japan, but it is actually a new solution proposed by Bosch Rexroth. The concept of ctrlX is like a Smart-Phone, where you can download Apps with necessary functions from the App Store, install them on your OS, and immediately put them to use. The concept of ctrlX is to download Apps with necessary functions from the App Store and install them on your OS like Smart-Phone. Also, ctrlX provides an SDK that allows users to develop their own applications.
The size is “just right”, but there are infinite possibilities.
The reason I tried ctrlX was because I tweeted about it on LinkedIN, and the German representative of ctrlX responded with a lot of support.
Thank you very much! Also, now you can get ctrlX related stuff at Wago Download Center!
Thanks again for your hard work this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
I have always been interested in Murrelektronik’s products, and since it is not easy to try them in Japan, I asked Murrelektronik Turkey if I could borrow their devices if they would lend me their devices or not .
Then they send me the IO-Link Master and various other things! Murrelektronik’s IOLINKMaster has communication protocols for EtherCAT, Profinet, and the Profinet family, as well as the OPC-UA protocol for IIOT.
In addition, IOLINKMaster offers analog to IO-Link converters and IP67 board-less solutions.
Thanks again for your hard work this year! Best regards and best wishes to you all! Best wishes for next year!
Fuzzy Studio
Fuzzy Studio is an Online-Programming software from France that allows anyone to lay out, test, and reconfigure a robot’s workcell and design, simulate, and modify an entire robotic process in just a few clicks. By checking reachability, collisions, and cycle times, simulation makes it easy to improve your project and put your robot investment at risk.
Fuzzy Studio loaned me a Trial license several times this year and I tried many things. It was a really interesting Solution.
Thank you very much! I look forward to working with you again next year.
Selmo Studio
Selmo is an Austrian National Patent Award-nominated company offering next-generation automation solutions. Their Solution can significantly reduce programming time, replacing manual programming with process modeling and automatic conversion to error-free PLC code. This allows even those with no programming knowledge to automate machines efficiently.
I had a chance to try such a wonderful Solution and was given a Trial license by a Selmo Studio representative. I feel that this Solution will drastically change the future of FA software development.
Thank you so much for this year! I look forward to working with you again next year!
I had a great connection with EXOR this year and was able to try many of their products. Thank you so much. At first I thought they were only an HMI company, but it turns out that they are actually a group of technology companies with experts in everything from networking and board technology to PLCs. Their products can be equipped with Codesys and support over 200 protocols. They also have products for outdoor and food related applications.
Thanks to EXOR for showing us what a really good HMI is.
Thanks again for all your hard work this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
Turck was also connected this year thanks to Linkage,Thanks for Turck Japan, the world-famous Turck Corporation, provided us with IO-Link Master, IO-Link devices, and more.
My first impression of the product is its high degree of perfection. IODD files can be searched and imported directly from the Web Server. I tested IO-Link Master with Ethernet/IP and Profinet multi-protocol. Basically, it automatically determines whether the upper controller is Ethernet/IP or Profinet without any special settings.
Thank you for your hard work this year. Thank you very much. We look forward to working with you again next year.
Belden is an American company that offers various solutions such as IO-Link Master, network equipment, and cloud computing. This year, Belden lent us their IO-Link Master and networking equipment. Thank you very much.
Thank you for all your hard work this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
This year I met President Tanaka of flareoriginal Inc. many times at exhibitions. He is very energetic and highly skilled. He is also a partner of Dobot and is familiar with applications related to Dobot as well as Fanuc, Yaskawa, DENSO, and others.
He is also a kind person who helped me when I was in the most trouble.
Thank you for your hard work this year. We look forward to working with you again next year!
Kansai Control Design is an engineering company in Itami that can handle everything from hardware to software. They are very passionate people who are seriously concerned about the future of Japan and the growth of its youth.
They are also highly skilled and taught me various FA old stories. Everyone is also very curious and actively tries not only Japanese domestic products but also foreign products to explore new possibilities.
In other words, we are always trying to be the first penguin to fly!
Thank you for your hard work this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!
Contrinex loaned us an IO-Link Smart Sensor this year for a long period of time. They also taught us a lot about Sensors. I was reminded that the proximity sensor is not just turned on or off depending on the distance, but is actually very deep.
Thank you again for your hard work this year! We look forward to working with you again next year!