
Thank you very much for all the connections that supported me in this year.

FA Community

This year I participated 3 times as an LT. I feel that this is a big event for the Japanese FA community.



Beckhoff Japan

Beckoff Japan lent me an IPC 6920 and various Terminals, and I used Beckhoff’s IPC and Safety Terminals for a year. Their freedom, scalability, and stability of TwinCAT can be said to be an honor student in the current FA industry. Up until now, Classic PLCs have been limited to a few KB of program capacity, and when using IPC, the capacity of the program becomes the memory of the IPC itself. We can install the necessary TC according to the application and try it for free for 7 days (after 7 days, you can extend the trial infinitely). Beckhoff Japan also puts a lot of effort into the community, and is blowing a new wind into the Japanese manufacturing industry. Thank you very much!

Related articles of Beckhoff:


Wago Japan

Wago Japan lent me the  PFC 200 Controller, various Fieldbus Couplers, and licenses for Wago Cloud. The PFC 200 Controller uses E!COCKPIT and has almost the same operational feel as Codesys. Wago has a strong image of a connector, but the PFC 200 Controller can support Profinet/CAN/Modbus/EIP depending on the model, can be connected to WAGO Cloud, and has basic security functions, so it is perfect as an Edge device. Thank you very much!

Related articles of Wago:


Phoenix Contact Japan

The Start point for my activities this year is that I received PLCNEXT from Phoenix Contact Japan. I really can’t thank you enough. In addition, Phoenix Contact Japan lent me the plc next AXCF 3152, ML1000, Smart Element, IO Link module, and EPC1522. Phoenix Contact has a strong image of Connectors and Network switches, but in fact, they have been making the next-generation PLC-PLCNEXT for 3-4 years. It is the first CPU from TUV with security certification, we can download and install the necessary Apps according to the application, and can use various languages ​​such as Python, C++, Matlab, etc. It can be said to be a powerful bridge between IT and OT. . I think that it is a CPU that can not lose to domestic production. thank you very much!

Related articles of Phoenix Contact:


Pilz Japan

Pilz Japan kindly lent me RevpI and PSS4000 safety CPU. It’s already been 6 years since I first used a Pilz device. Those who are familiar with ST will be able to program immediately, and since it is a CPU with standard IEC61131-3, ladder, FBD, and IL are also available. There is also a Pilz-specific Function Block in the Safety application, and all you need to do is call the corresponding Function Block when using it. I would like to expand the article of Pilz next year. Thank you very much!

Related articles of Pilz:



Thanks to Omron, who lent me a CPU NX that supports Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, and OPC UA for the first time in Japan. It supports IEC61131-3 (language is ST/LAD), and has basic functions such as Function Block and Function, as well as Data Type such as Structure and Union. If you want to make your application compatible with the Safety function, just install SL5000 and add a project, and I feel that Scalable is a good system. Thank you very much!

Related articles of Omron:



This is my first time to use IOlLink and thanks IFM lent me the IO LInk Devices and sensor.It has an IOT Port and can collect IFM module data from MQTT. Used a lot in my Connection Test. Thank you very much!

Related articles of IFM:



Because of RoboDK, I can start my robot programming and concept about Robot, and it is a very good platform to simulate your robot application with PLC/PC software.

Their great Python API provides very clear documentation,It is very easy to use.

Thanks RoboDK !


This is a project I did this year. I can’t summarize everything, but I’m looking forward to seeing you next year!

Beckoff TwinCAT x Siemens S210

Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part6
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part5
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part4
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part3
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part2
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Siemens S210 Servo Drvie_Part1

Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x Cisco Meraki

Project#TwinCAT3 x Cisco Meraki API

Beckhoff TwinCAT x RoboDK x coral

Beckhoff#TwinCAT x RoboDK x Pi4 x Coral USB ML – Image Classification

Bekhoff TwinCAT x MQTT x Opencv x RoboDK

Project#RoboDK x TwinCAT x MQTT x Opencv Color Dectector

Beckhoff TwinCAT x SIMIT

Project#SIMIT x TwinCAT ADS Driver
Project#SIMIT x TwinCAT x Profidrive Telegram111
Project#TwinCAT x SIMIT PROFIdrive1 Simulation


Keyence#Using IFM AL1320 to configure a EthernetIP network
Project#Beckhoff TwinCAT3 x TF6281 EthernetIP x IOLINK

PLCNEXT x ml1000 x RoboDK

Project#using PLCNEXT x AXC F ML1000 xRoboDK to start you machine learning


In 2023, I think there will be a lot of drastic changes in my work and environment, but I want to continue to send out FA information privately. Have a good year!


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